Generating Encryption Recovery Key Escrow fails

Read this page to troubleshoot Encryption Recovery Key Escrow generation failure when the BigFix Server is installed on RHEL 10.0.


When BigFix WebUI server is running on RHEL 10.0, if the user tries to generate Encryption Recovery Key Escrow from MCM > Admin > Recovery Key Escrow > Generate Encryption Recovery Key Escrow, the action fails.


This problem occurs only with BigFix deployment on Linux system. WebUI with Node.js v18 does not run on RHEL7. Therefore, it has to be upgraded to RHEL 8. As libnsl is not installed on RHEL8 by default, CryptoUtility which is downloaded from and saved to /var/opt/BESServer/Applications/CryptoUtility fails to run.


To fix this issue, manually install the libnbl by running the following command on the RHEL 8 machine and retry generating Encryption Recovery Key Escrow.
yum install libnsl
This will successfully run CryptoUtility by itself, as well as complete the Generate Escrow Key action from WebUI.
Note: You must register the RHEL instance on RHN for the yum command to run by default.