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Modern Client Management and BigFix Mobile
Welcome to the Modern Client Management and BigFix Mobile documentation, where you can find information about how to install, maintain, and use Modern Client Management and BigFix Mobile.
This section guides you through BigFix Modern Client Management (MCM) and BigFix Mobile to understand the MCM concepts, terminologies, features, and functionality.
On premises deployments
BigFix MCM and BigFix Mobile are available as an On-premises solution.
Key concepts
Read this section to understand the key concepts of MCM.
User roles
Read this section to understand various users involved in MCM and BigFix Mobile management and their tasks.
Guides in PDF format
This section contains links to PDF versions of all the MCM and BigFix Mobile manuals.
Installation and Configuration
Read this guide to learn about the requirements and available installation scenarios to ensure that the deployment of BigFix MCM and BigFix Mobile goes smoothly in your environment.
MCM and BigFix Mobile server and components installation
Identity service configuration
Starting from UEM3.0, MCM extends the capability to identify and manage devices based on users. The users can be identified based on their associated attributes including names, roles, group memberships, distribution list memberships, or physical locations. The devices identified based on users can then be targeted and managed through various configurations to provide conditional access and ensure compliance, endpoint security, and App protection.
Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) configuration
BigFix MCM supports certificate management and certificate-based authentication through Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP). SCEP is the fastest and most secure way to provision certificates to all your MCM-managed devices. With SCEP, IT Admins can automate issuing certificates to the endpoints to provide access to corporate Wi-Fi, VPN, and secure e-mail through encryption.
Domain join installation and configuration
Read this section to learn the prerequisites and the tasks to install ODJ service to set up your environment to enroll Windows devices and join Active Directory domain or both Active Directory and Azure AD domain.
SAML-authentication configuration
MCM and BigFix Mobile supports Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) authentication to enroll devices to protect sensitive data and ensure secure access to corporate resources.
Quick Start
User Guide
Administrator Guide
Read this guide to learn about enrolling, administering, and troubleshooting endpoints through BigFix MCM and BigFix Mobile.
Modern Client Management and BigFix Mobile
This guide is intended for HCL BigFix Master Operators (MO) and those who administer BigFix deployments. If you are looking for information about using Modern Client Management (MCM) and BigFix Mobile, see the WebUI User's Guide.
BigFix MCM
Read this section to learn enrolling and managing Windows and macOS desktop and laptop devices.
BigFix Mobile
BigFix Mobile enables you to enroll and manage Android, iOS, and iPadOS devices.
SCEP Certificate-based authentication
BigFix MCM supports certificate-based authentication through Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP). SCEP is the fastest and most secure way to provision certificates to all your MCM-managed devices. With SCEP, IT Admins can automate issuing certificates to the endpoints to provide access to corporate Wi-Fi, VPN, and secure e-mail through encryption.
SAML-authenticated enrolment flow
When you configure SAML as the authentication method, when a user hits the enrollment URL and click Enroll, the user is first authenticated via the identity provider before proceeding with the enrollment process.
Application management
Application management in BigFix MCM enables IT admins to centrally control, distribute, and maintain Windows and macOS applications. It allows IT administrators to streamline the deployment, update, and security of apps on enrolled devices.
Email configuration management
With BigFix MCM and BigFix Mobile, you have the ability to install and set up email application that can connect to your email system. This allows users to easily connect, verify their identity, and synchronize their work email accounts on their devices.
VPN management
BigFix MCM and BigFix Mobile enable organizations to manage and configure Virtual Private Network (VPN) settings on enrolled Android, Apple, and Windows devices, ensuring secure remote access to corporate networks.
Wi-Fi configuration management
BigFix MCM and BigFix Mobile offer WiFi configuration management, where administrators can control and configure the wireless network settings on MCM-enrolled devices. This helps organizations to maintain a secure and reliable wireless network infrastructure while providing flexibility for users to connect to authorized networks.
Known limitations
Read this topic to get familiarized with MCM v3.0 known limitations.
This section is intended to help you solve problems that might occur when installing BigFix MCM and BigFix Mobile.
Frequently Asked Questions
Read this section for commonly asked questions and their answers to manage the MCM deployments better.
This glossary provides terms and definitions for the Modern Client Management for BigFix software and products.
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