10.0.11 Recalculating contracts

From version 10.0.11, you can recalculate contracts using the Recalculate option in the All Contracts reports panel.

The recalculation can be done in the following scenarios:
  • Contract has been changed
  • Contract has been added or imported
  • Product list or computer group have been modified in a Contract

10.0.12 From version 10.0.12, All Contracts panel shows the progress of recalculation. It indicates if the recalculation is started, in progress or completed.

Following are the different considerations under recalculation:
  • The utilized metric values for contracts, shown under Current Measured Value column are calculated during data import or on demand, for example, during recalculation.
  • The metric values for contracts are stored in a separate database table (comparing to reusing aggregation tables from All Metrics panel) which is synchronized with data from All Metrics. So, the same rules apply (high watermark from the last x days for a given computer group, 90 by default).
  • After recalculation/reaggregation, the metric values are the same comparing to the previous release, with one change: in case there are no discovered software instances for a given contract's product, metric and computer group and the metric is aggreagable in BigFix Inventory, the value will be 0 instead of n/a.
  • The limitation of the number of computer groups used in contracts is no longer applicable.
  • Recalculation can be performed for all Computer Groups accessible by the current user. In addition, recalculation will be done only for Computer Groups which are used in Contract definitions accessible by current user.
  • Recalculation button is active if there is an accessible contract that requires recalculation. The current filters applied to All Contracts does not affect the status of the button. Recalculation button will not be active if there is already Recalculation or Data Import in progress.
  • New metrics are not recalculated from All Metrics panel, as they are not shown in the All Metrics panel.
  • When two users are assigned to different computer groups and the computer groups do not have parent-child relation , any update in the relation of the contacts for one user does not activate Recalculate button on All Contracts for the other user.
  • When two users are assigned to the same computer group , any update in the relation of the contacts for one user activates Recalculate button on All Contracts panel for the other user.
  • When two users are assigned to different computer groups and these groups have parent-child relation , any update in the relation of the contract for a user with the child computer group also enables recalculation for the other user.