Record login with a browser
Before you begin
To record a login sequence for an application, the Starting URL must be defined (either in Configuration > URL and Server view or in the wizard). If you are using an external client to send requests to the application, a Starting URL is not needed, but AppScan will define a Starting URL for itself after the Explore stage is complete.
About this task
Recording a Login with a browser lets you teach AppScan® which links to click, which text to input in forms, and the order in which to do them:, so it can log in during the scan. When you have logged in, AppScan identifies an in-session pattern that it can use in future to verify that it is still logged in.
During scanning, AppScan must know at all times whether it is logged into or out of the site, so it can evaluate the site's responses correctly. During the scan, AppScan sends the In-Session Detection Request repeatedly, and checks that the response contains the In-Session Detection Pattern, to verify that it is still logged in. If AppScan does not find the pattern in the page's response, AppScan assumes it has been logged out, and attempts to log in again by replaying the login sequence. It follows that the login sequence is typically played many times during a scan. It is therefore best that it contains as few steps as possible. It is also helpful if the In-Session page is a small page, and does not contain tracked parameters or cookies, since these can also increase scan time significantly.
To record the login: