Use Discover Transport Service as Time Source

You can learn how to configure a host that is running the Discover Transport Service as a time source in this section. When enabled, the specified Discover Transport Service is contacted every 15 minutes and queried for its current time. The system clock is then drifted to the time of the Transport Service. "Drifting" means that the local time of the DNCA software is not forced to the exact remote time of the Transport Service machine. Instead, if the local time is behind the remote time, the system clock increments by a small amount. If the local time is ahead of the remote time, the system clock advances more slowly so that it eventually slows down to match the remote time.

Host or Address
Designates the domain name or IP address of the host that is running the Discover Transport Service to be used as a time source. If you do not want to synchronize to a time source, leave this field empty.
Designates the port on which the time source host listens for time source queries. If you do not want to synchronize to a time source, leave this field empty.