Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the metrics that you define for measuring success toward strategic goals. Before you begin, you must attempt to identify conceptually what are the metrics to determine whether your web application is pursuing and reaching enterprise goals.

These goals can include:

  • Increase revenue from the site
  • Increase brand awareness among visitors
  • Increase the size of your site user base
  • Decrease the volume of calls in your call center.

Specific goals include the following metrics:

  • Conversion rates for the checkout process
  • Average order value
  • Percentage of search engine searches that use a sponsored or branded keyword
  • Site registrations per campaign clickthrough
  • Average number of call center calls per site visit

You can also use KPIs to identify aspects of the site that did not work, such as:

  • Number of declined credit cards
  • General failures to convert business process (start process but never complete)
  • Server generation time takes too long
  • Application-level errors
  • System errors

Sometimes, identifying these conditions for building events to track them is not intuitive. For example, depending on how your web application is constructed, the basic user event of "abandon checkout process" can include the following events as failure steps:

  • Moving back to product pages
  • Clicking a Contact Us link
  • Opening FAQ pages

If you develop separate events on these items and then consolidate them into a single "Abandon Process" event, you can quickly analyze the most common sources of customer abandonment.

  • You can also create events that are identified as abandoned, but the reason for which is not known. For example, you can create an event checks for the general abandonment condition and the NOT conditions of the identified methods of abandonment. By identifying the unknown, you can explore the reasons why it is not known.

KPIs are typically defined as one or more linked events, which are surfaced in reports or scorecards.

Discover provides an end-to-end scenario to describe how to monitor an example shopping cart process and to generate reporting on it.