Tasks Pane

In the Tasks pane, you can create a new job or add tasks to an un-submitted job. Tasks are executed in the listed order.

  • To add a task to the currently selected job, click the + button. See Configuring tasks.
    • To create a new job, enter a new name in the Description and begin adding tasks. See Configuring tasks.
  • You can create dependencies between jobs, so that you can create sequences. When a job is selected from the Dependency drop-down, the currently specified job does not execute unless the dependency job successfully completed.
    • To create a sequence of jobs, configure them to execute at the same time, with each job dependent on the previous job in the sequence.
  • To remove a task from the currently selected, job, select the task and click the - button.
  • To remove all tasks from the current job, click Clear at the bottom of the Current® Job pane.
  • To change the order of execution of tasks in a job, select the task to move and then use the up and down arrows to re-order it. When you have finished editing the job, click Submit. The job is submitted to Manage Services for processing.
  • To remove a job, select the scheduled or in-process job in the Jobs panel. Then, click the Cancel button.

Configuring tasks

In the Configure Task dialog, you can specify the type of task to add. The following table describes the available fields, some of which may not be shown depending on the selected Action:

The type of action to perform, including the following:
  • Push Configuration
  • Assign Configuration
  • Start Component
  • Stop Component
  • Restart Component
  • Archive History - See Archive History.
On Failure
Determines what happens if the action fails, which can include the following:
  • Retry Task
  • Stop Job
  • Ignore Failure
The server for which the action is to be taken.
The component for which the action is to be taken.
The configuration to be pushed (only shown for Push Configuration tasks).
The path to which the archived data is written (for Archive History tasks).
Age Cutoff (Days)
The number of days of history to keep (for Archive History tasks). History records older than the specified number of days are included in the archive.

Archive History

For a specified date range, you can move old configuration versions and assignments to backup files. When files are successfully backed up, the source data is removed from the database tables to which Manage Services refers. This archiving removes outdated configuration information and reduces unnecessary bloat due to a large number of configuration changes.