Creating a Configuration
To create a new session, use the following procedure:
- From the Start menu, click Programs → HCL Z and I Emulator for Windows → Start or Configure Sessions.
- From the Session Manager dialog, click New Session.
The Customize Communication window appears.
- Select the type of host from the Type of Host drop-down list box.
- Select the interface you will use from the Interface drop-down list box.
- Select the attachment type you want to use from the Attachment drop-down list box.
- Click Session Parameters to modify the session
type (display or printer), host code page, and display/graphics options.
The Session Parameters – 3270, 5250, or ASCII – Host window appears (depending on the host you selected in step 3). Click OK.
- Click Link Parameters.
Enter the appropriate information for each page and click Next to continue. Click Finish when you are done.
Based on the attachment type that you have chosen, make your selections for the parameters in the window displayed. Click Help or press F1 to display parameter details. Click OK when you are finished.
Note: If your host is configured to support Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Security Layer (TLS), then click the Security Setup tab. Refer to Administrator's Guide and Reference for details on configuring session security. - Click the Host Definition tab
to configure the Connection Options.
- Select Auto-reconnect to reestablish an interrupted connection.
- The Connection Timeout value tells Z and I Emulator for Windows how long it should wait for connection to the host.
- The Try connecting to last configured host infinitely option is enabled by default. Clear this box if you do not want Z and I Emulator for Windows to automatically and indefinitely wait for acknowledgement for a connect request from the last correctly configured server/host.
- Select Telnet keep alive to send Telnet Keep Alive commands to the host.
- There are two keep alive mechanisms supported: NOP and TIMING-MARK. The Keep Alive Timeout value specifies the interval between the keep-alive requests in seconds. The range of values is 30 to 99999 seconds.
- Select Bypass signon
using Kerberos principal to enable Kerberos authentication. A
ticket is generated and passed to the iSeries™, eServer™ i5,
or System i5™ host during TN5250 negotiation. This
option is only available for 5250 sessions.
Note: You must log into a Windows domain in order to use Kerberos authentication. Refer to the relevant Microsoft documentation for specific details. Refer to Administrator's Guide and Reference for details about express logon functions.
- Select Bypass signon using Password substitute to enable the user to bypass the iSeries login screen by sending a SHA1 password substitute.
- To set up printer association, click the Printer Association tab and do the following:
- Select Associated Printer Session.
- Enter the .WS file for the printer that is to be associated with the specific terminal. You can also click Browse to locate the file.
You can also set the following options:- Select the Start Associated Printer Minimized check box, if preferred. This option is unavailable until an associated printer is selected.
- Select the Automatically close Associated Printer Session with this session check box, if preferred. This option is unavailable until an associated printer is selected.
- Select Associated device name to associate the display session with any printer device that currently exists on an iSeries™, eServer™ i5, or System i5™ host. This option is only available for 5250 sessions.
- After configuring the session options, click OK in the Telnet tab panel.
- Click OK on the Customize Communication
window. The session is displayed automatically.
Save the workstation profile as described in Saving a Workstation Profile.