HCL Z and I Emulator for Windows Version 2.0 Readme

Read Me - Please!

This document contains information supplementary to the online help and the publications, it includes newly added functions, hints, tips, restrictions, and corrections. Refer the Z and I Emulator for Windows Information Center for other considerations when using Z and I Emulator for Windows Version 2.0, and for complete product documentation.

For information on installing HCL Z and I Emulator for Windows, for information about the new features added in this version, refer to the Installation Guide and Quick Beginnings guide.

Names and license terms for third-party components are referenced in license.txt, which is located in the ZIE for Windows installation directory or in the product installation image.

Thank you for choosing Z and I Emulator for Windows Version 2.0.

What's New in ZIEWIN
What's New in ZIEWin Version 2.2
OneDrive Support

OneDrive allows you to synchronize files and folders between your computer and the user's OneDrive cloud.

With this release, all ZIEWin configuration files can be stored on a local OneDrive path so that they can be accessed through OneDrive cloud storage from anywhere. Similarly, the customized macro directory and customized toolbar icons can be stored in a OneDrive location.

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Support for Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese Locals

In this release, support for simplified Chinese (CHS) and traditional Chinese (CHT) locales is added. Additional packages for CHS and CHT locales are included.

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Group Policy Restriction on Disable Licensing

A new group policy, "Disable Licensing," is introduced to control the user's ability to disable the licensing.

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Bundling of HACL Sample

HACL C++ and HACL VB sample projects are bundled with the package; users can build and run the samples.

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Fixes for APARs and Internal defects

This Refresh Pack contains fixes for APARS and internal defects.

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What's New in ZIEWin Version 2.1
Interoperability Between ZIEWin and ZIEWeb Clients

The interoperability feature allows the ZIEWin Users to use the ZIEWin sessions from other HCL terminal emulator clients, such as ZIEWeb and Web Client. ZIEWin users can use the “Session Manager Online” utility to store the new sessions and migrate the existing sessions to ZIE server, these sessions are then converted to ZIEWeb Session formats for the ZIEWeb and Web Client usage.

ZIEWin client communicates with the ZIE server over HTTP/HTTPS connectivity using JSON data format. For more information on ZIEWeb-ZIEWin interoperability, refer to https://help.hcltechsw.com/zie/ziewin/2.0/doc/qb/interoperability.html

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Support for Azure Virtual Desktop

Azure Virtual Desktop provides an application virtualization service that runs on the cloud to any device. ZIEWin supports the Azure Virtual Desktop only on 64bit Windows Operating System. ZIEWin application can be published in an Azure Virtual Desktop setup to access all its features through the internet.

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Enhancement to File Transfer Policy

The file transfer policy restriction enforced in the "Data Transfer" utility disables the switch to send/receive buttons based on the policy settings set by the user.

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ZIEWin Trial Version Re-introduced

ZIEWin Trial version package is reintroduced in this version to try out and evaluate the product for up to 30 days. The trial version can be used without configuring any licensing by using “Disable License” option.

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Discontinuation of Bundled JRE

With this release, OpenJDK JRE is no longer bundled with HCL Z and I Emulator for Windows. The features dependent on Java, viz., 'Run Applet Java' and 'HACL Java Automation' will work with system JRE.

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Fixes for Internal Defects

This release contains fixes for internal defects to improve the productivity and quality.

What's New in ZIEWin Version 2.0
Japanese Language Support

Support has been added for Japanese Locale.

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License Configuration Change

The License configuration can be modified.

For more information on acquiring a license for connecting to the Host, refer to the topic HCL ZIE License Manager.

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Disable Licensing Enhancements In this release, Licensing is no longer mandatory to use the product. Users can choose the “Disable License” option to connect to the host without a license..

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Menu Customization Utility

The Menu Customization Utility can customize the menu items of the emulator sessions.

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Color Mapping Customization using CMP Configuration File This feature allows Users to configure the color mapping of a session, using a color mapping configuration file (CMP). The color mapping configuration can be imported, modified, and saved to a CMP file.
It is also possible to customize the default color mapping configuration for all profiles using the default color mapping configuration file (DefaultColorConfig.CMP).

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ActiveX Control Support

In this release, ZIEWin packages a new ActiveX Control file, pcsctrX.ocx. OLE containers can host ActiveX controls. An OLE container control lets you add OLE objects to your applications. OLE objects include ActiveX Controls (.OCX files) and OLE objects created in other applications such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.

After adding pcsctrX.ocx into an OLE container or an Automation Client, the user can start a ZIEWin session in the ActiveX control by providing Session ID (optional) and the ZIEWin Workstation profile.

This embeds the ZIEWin session in the application. This ZIEWin session inside an ActiveX support operations based on HACL Automation Objects and EHLLAPI emulator APIs.

For more details, please refer to: ZIEWin 2.0 ActiveX Controls.

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Bundling EHLLAPI Libraries with a Sample

The ZIEWin package includes the EHLLAPI x64-bit libraries and required header files. It enables the static linking of the EHLLAPI libraries (pcscal32.lib, whlap32lib) for EHLLAPI automation. This package also includes a sample that uses libraries by static linking and a “readme” file with instructions to build and use the sample.

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Support for HTTPS with TLS 1.3 Connectivity

ZIEWin supports HTTPS connection over TLS 1.3 to connect to the HCL Licensing Server and ZIE License Server.

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Enable Non-Admin users to Install Refreshpack Update Installer using Auto-upgrade feature

The Auto-upgrade feature allows Windows users who are not part of the “Administrators” group to install the “Refreshpack Update” installer for future updates with the base version as 2.0 or above.

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Print Screen Feature Supports “.Doc” File Format

In this release “Print-Screen” feature provides the “.doc” file format support. Users can choose to print the collected print screens in either “.doc” or “.txt” file formats. Additionally, a new option, "over-write" is introduced to overwrite collected screens to an already existing print file.

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Scroll-Bar Functionality

Using the mouse wheel scroll option, users can scroll up and down on the session screen, in case the host data exceeds more than one screen.

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Express Logon Feature support for VBScript Macro

The ZIEWin VBScript playback macro is enhanced to support the “Express Logon Feature” while recording a macro.

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Enhancement of initial configuration definition file (pcsinst.ws$)

The initial configuration definition file “pcsinst.ws$” template file has been improved to include the customized “Menu” items configuration support.

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Support for Group Policy Template files in ADMX/ADML formats

Along with the ADM file formats, the "Doc_Admin_Aids.zip" package contains the ADMX and ADML group policy templates.

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Provision to Disable Kerberos Auto-Signon feature during Installation

In this release, the ZIEWin installer has a new option to disable the Kerberos Auto-Signon feature during the installation. When it is disabled, the windows logon credentials are not intercepted by ZIEWin.

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New Configuration Keyword to Suppress the Pass-through Certificate Validation

When the “Pass Through Host Certificate Validation” is enabled, a warning pop-up message displays that the connection was made to an untrusted server.

Users can suppress this message by adding the new keyword “SuppressPassThroughPopup=Y” under the “[Security]" section in the pcswin.ini file.

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Tab Key functionality for PasteText () API

The PasteText () EHLLAPI and HACL functions are enhanced to process the <Tab> key functionality. With the new change, the tab character in the Windows clipboard, when pasted to the ZIEWin emulator screen causes the cursor to move to the next unprotected field.

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Enhancing the HACL sendkeys () API

The "SendKeys ()" HACP API is enhanced to retrieve the return code and return the code to the calling application using HACL automation.

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Password update for Bypass Sign-on using Password Substitute (5250)

With this release, it is not required to enter the old or Expired Passwords to update the new password.

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Fixes for Internal Defects

This release contains fixes for internal defects to improve the productivity and quality.

The License configuration can be modified.

For more information on acquiring a license for connecting to the Host, refer to the topic HCL ZIE License Manager.

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Z and I Emulator for Windows Information Center

Find documentation and links to other resources at the Z and I Emulator for Windows Information Center.

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System Requirements

For information about hardware and software requirements for installing Z and I Emulator for Windows, refer to the System Requirements for Z and I Emulator for Windows.

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Installation Instructions

For instructions on how to install Z and I Emulator for Windows, refer to the Installation Guide for ZIEWin.

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HCL Software Support

For support information and managing product cases, refer to the HCL Software Customer Support Portal..

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ZIE for Windows Blogs

For additional information on Z and I Emulator for Windows, read through the blogs and articles on 'Z and I Emulator for Windows' available on the ZIE for Windows Blogs.

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  • Sunnyvale, CA 94085
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