Macro Manager toolbar

The Macro Manager toolbar is a toolbar that contains icons for common macro operations. All of these icons can be used by macro developers, while at least one of the icons is also for users of macros (the Play macro icon). Macro Manager toolbar shows the Macro Manager toolbar. (For the purpose of illustration, this figure is inaccurate in one respect: it shows all the buttons on the toolbar enabled at the same time.)
Figure 1. Macro Manager toolbar

To view the Macro Manager toolbar follow these steps:
  1. Start a Z and I Emulator for Web client.
  2. Start a terminal emulator session (3270 Display session, 5250 Display session, VT session, or CICS Gateway session).
  3. Click View > Macro Manager
Depending on your company's configuration of the display session, you might notice that a few of the icons on the Macro Manager toolbar also appear on the main toolbar. This placement is for extra convenience and should not cause you any concern. The icons work the same no matter which toolbar they appear on.
Here is a quick summary of the function of each part of the Macro Manager toolbar, from left to right. You will learn more about each of these functions later in the book.
  • Currently selected macro. This white text field at the left side of the toolbar is not an input field but a text field in which the Macro Manager displays the name of the currently selected macro. Here the currently selected macro is ispf_usp.mac.
  • Select a macro. This icon is the big downward-pointing arrowhead. Click this icon to select a current macro for playing, editing, copying, or deleting.
  • Edit current macro properties. Click this icon to bring up the Macro Edito (see Macro Editor).
  • Delete current macro from list. Click this icon to delete the currently selected macro.
  • Play macro. Click this icon to play the currently selected macro.
  • Record macro. Click this icon to record a new macro.
  • Stop playing or recording macro. Click this icon to end playing or recording a macro.
  • Pause playing or recording macro. Click this icon to temporarily suspend the playing or recording of a macro.
  • Append recording. Click this icon to select an active session as the current source of recorded material (see Recording a macro that interacts with more than one session).
  • Add a prompt.
  • Add a Smart Wait.
  • Add an Extraction.

To step through the process of recording and playing back a simple macro, see Recording and playing back a simple macro.