
Optional string. The text that is to be displayed in the popup window, such as 'Enter your response here:' (see Parts of the prompt window).
Optional string. A description of this action. This description is not displayed (see Parts of the prompt window).
Required integer. The row on the session window at which you want the macro runtime to start typing the input from the user.
Required integer. The column on the session window at which you want the macro runtime to start typing the input from the user (see Handling the input sequence in the session window).
Required integer. The number of characters that the user is allowed to enter into the prompt input field (see Response Length).
Optional string. The text to be displayed in the input field of the popup window. If the user does not type any input into the input field but just clicks OK, the macro runtime will send this default input to the session window (see Default Response).
Optional boolean. Setting this attribute to true causes the macro runtime, before sending the input sequence to the session window, to clear the input field of the session window in which the row and column location occur (see Handling the input sequence in the session window).
Optional boolean. Setting this attribute to true causes the macro runtime, when the user types a key into the input field of the window, to display an asterisk (*) instead of the character associated with the key (see Password Response).
Optional boolean. Setting this attribute to true causes the macro runtime to move the cursor to the end of the input (see Handling the input sequence in the session window).
Optional boolean. Setting this attribute to true causes the macro runtime to interpret the names of action keys (such as [enter]) as action keys rather than as sequences of characters (see Action keys and Translate Host Action Keys).
Optional variable name. Setting this attribute to a variable name causes the macro runtime to store the input into the variable whose name you specify here (see Assigning the input sequence to a variable).
Optional boolean. Setting this attribute to true causes the macro runtime to store the input into a variable and not to send it to the session window (see Handling the input sequence in the session window). This attribute takes effect only if the assigntovar attribute is set to true.
Optional boolean. Setting this attribute to true causes the macro runtime to disable the OK button in the prompt window until the input field of the prompt window contains text. The input field can contain text either because you have specified a Default Response or because the user has typed text into the input field (see Require Response).
Optional string. See Specifying a session.