Here, we provide pseudocode from a sample HCM plug-in called CMPISample.
The purpose of this sample is to demonstrate the implementation of
CMInterface and some of the functions your plug-in will need to provide.
CMPISample is designed to read the host credentials from a database
that you specify.
We recommend that you use the provided CMPIVault
class for this function whenever possible. You should only create
a custom plug-in like CMPISample if one of the plug-ins provided with Z and I Emulator for Web does
not suit your needs. |
package com.mycompany;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Enumeration;
public class CMPISample implements CMInterface {
private static final String className
= "com.mycompany.CMPISample";
//The following strings match the parameters contained in the
web.xml file (see Sample.xml)
private static final String DB_ADDRESS = "CMPI_SAMPLE_DB_ADDRESS";
private static final String DB_TABLE = "CMPI_SAMPLE_DB_TABLE";
private static final String TRACE_LEVEL = "CMPI_SAMPLE_TRACE_LEVEL";
private static final int DEFAULT_TRACE_LEVEL = Ras.TRACE_NONE;
//TODO: Add all other parameters needed, such as the database
driver, column names, ID and PW, etc
private String dbAddress; //url string that provides the
address of the database
private String dbTable; //database table to use for the query
private int traceLevel; //trace level
private String logFile; //trace log file
//TODO: Add fields for all other parameters
private Properties pInit = null;
private String cmID = null;
//TODO: Add any other needed fields, such as the database connection
private boolean initOK = true;
* Called to initialize the Sample Plug-in
* @param pInit All of the CredMapper servlet parameters.
* These parameters are specified in the web.xml file.
* @param id The plug-in being initialized.
* @return An int value which indicates the status of the initialization.
public int Init(Properties pInit, String id)
final String methodName = "Init";
initOK = true;
this.pInit = pInit;
this.cmID = id;
// For debug purposes, add a RAS implementor which logs to stdout and file.
String traceStr = getProperty(TRACE_LEVEL, false); // Optional
if (traceStr != null) traceLevel = Integer.parseInt(traceStr);
else traceLevel = DEFAULT_TRACE_LEVEL;
String logFile = getProperty(SSOConstants.TRACE_LOG_FILE, false); // Optional
if (logFile == null) logFile = SSOConstants.DEFAULT_TRACE_LOG_FILE;
SampleRas sampleRas = new SampleRas(logFile); //SampleRas classs not provided.
This class implements RasInterface
//and writes to logFile and stdout
if ((traceLevel > Ras.TRACE_NONE) &&
(Ras.hasNoImplementations())) {
if (traceLevel >= Ras.TRACE_MINIMUM) {
//Trace all parameters and their values
String parameters = "";
//TODO: Loop through pInit and build parameters string
Ras.traceEntry(className, methodName, new String [] {
"pInit = {\n\t" + parameters + "\n\t}",
"id = " + id
} );
* Get Sample parameters from the properties object
* Try to retrieve the value of all parameters and return an error
* if one or more than one parameter is bad.
dbAddress = getProperty(DB_ADDRESS, true); //Required
dbTable = getProperty(DB_TABLE, true); //Required
//TODO: Read the rest of the properties here
if (!initOK) return SSOConstants.SSO_INVALID_PARAMETER;
//TODO: Check to see if the network database driver exists here,
and establish a connection with the database
if (traceLevel >= Ras.TRACE_MINIMUM)
Ras.traceExit(className, methodName);
return SSOConstants.SSO_SUCCESS;
* Close the Database connection
public void Destroy() {
final String methodName = "Destroy";
if (traceLevel >= Ras.TRACE_MINIMUM)
Ras.traceEntry(className, methodName);
//TODO: Close the database connection
if (traceLevel >= Ras.TRACE_MINIMUM) //@ry3
Ras.traceExit(className, methodName);
public CMResponse CMSGetUserCredentials(CMRequest cmreq)
final String methodName = "CMSGetUserCredentials";
if (traceLevel >= Ras.TRACE_MINIMUM)
Ras.traceEntry(className, methodName, new String [] {
"Network ID = " + cmreq.getID(),
"Application ID = " + cmreq.getHostApplID(),
"Destination Addr = " + cmreq.getHostDestination()
} );
String netID = cmreq.getID();
String hostApp = cmreq.getHostApplID();
String hostDest = cmreq.getHostDestination();
CMResponse resp = new CMResponse();
String retid = null;
String retpw = null;
//TODO: Build query statement with netID, hostApp, hostDest, and
the values provided in web.xml (table name, column names, etc)
//TODO: Execute the statement and set retid and retpw with the results
if (retid == null) {
if (traceLevel >= Ras.TRACE_MINIMUM)
Ras.logMessage(Ras.MSG_ERROR, className, methodName,
else {
if (traceLevel >= Ras.TRACE_MINIMUM) //ry3
Ras.traceExit(className, methodName);
return resp;
* Retrieve the property value
private String getProperty(String propName, boolean required) //@d01c
String value = null;
//TODO: Retrieve the specified property from pInit
return value;
public String getName() {return "Sample Credential Mapper";}
public String getDescription() {return "Retrieves host credentials
from a database";}
public String getAuthor() {return "My Company";}
String strParms[] = { DB_ADDRESS, DB_TABLE, TRACE_LEVEL }; //TODO:
Fill in the rest of the parameters here
public String[] getParameters() {return strParms;}
public Properties getParameterInfo(String strParm)
Properties p = new Properties();
if (DB_ADDRESS.equals(strParm))
p.put(CMInterface.cmiRequired, "true");
else if (DB_TABLE.equals(strParm))
p.put(CMInterface.cmiRequired, "true");
else if (TRACE_LEVEL.equals(strParm))
p.put(CMInterface.cmiRequired, "false");
p.put(CMInterface.cmiDefaultValue, Integer.toString(Ras.TRACE_NONE));
//TODO: Add ifs for the rest of the parameters
return p;
} //end class CMPIVault