
You can use the script file to configure Service Manager. is located in the following directory on the IBM System i:
To configure the Service manager settings, perform the following tasks:
  1. Access the directory /<ZIEWeb install directory>/lib/samples/ NCServiceManager/. Here, <ZIEWeb install directory> is the location or path where Z and I Emulator for Web has been installed. For example, /QHCL/ProdData/ZIEForWeb/.
  2. Open the file.
  3. Verify that the runtime variables are correct and correspond with your environment. Change the default values of the runtime variables if they do not correspond with your environment. These include the following:
    • • Location of the JRE: JAVA_ENGINE

      Update the value of the JAVA_ENGINE to the complete path or location of the jre installed on the system. It must be Java V6 or higher. It must point to <java_installation>/bin/java in the Java installation directory.

    • • Location of the Z and I Emulator for Web publish directory on the server: MY_ZIEWeb_DIRECTORY

      Verify, and update if necessary, the value of MY_ZIEWeb_DIRECTORY to the complete path of the Z and I Emulator for Web installation directory. It must be the installation directory of Z and I Emulator for Web and the directory contains /bin, /lib and other folders of Z and I Emulator for Web. Generally, this value is updated once at the time of installation. For example, /QHCL/ProdData/ZIEForWeb.

    • • Target paths specified within the command file: MY_PUBLISHED_DIRECTORY

      Verify, and update if necessary, the value of MY_PUBLISHED_DIRECTORY to the complete path of the Z and I Emulator for Web Publish directory. Generally, it is the <ZIEWeb_Installation>/ZIEWeb directory, where <ZIEWeb_Installation> is the Z and I Emulator for Web installation directory.

  4. Confirm that has the necessary execute permissions and authorized to write to directories in the Z and I Emulator for Web installation on the server.