3270 and 5250 code pages

The code pages specified below are supported by the 3270 and 5250 emulators. You can select them in the Session Configuration window.

Country or region Code page Note
Arabic Speaking 420
Austria 273
Austria (Euro) 1141
Belarus 1025
Belarus (Euro) 1154
Belgium 037
Belgium (Euro) 1140
Belgium (Old Code) 274
Bosnia/Herzegovina 870
Bosnia/Herzegovina (Euro) 1153
Brazil 037
Brazil (Euro) 1140
Brazil (Old) 275
Bulgaria 1025
Bulgaria (Euro) 1154
Canada 037
Canada (Euro) 1140
China (Simplified Chinese Extended) 1388
Croatia 870
Croatia (Euro) 1153
Czech Republic 870
Czech Republic (Euro) 1153
Denmark 277
Denmark (Euro) 1142
Estonia 1122
Estonia (Euro) 1157
Finland 278
Finland (Euro) 1143
France 297
France (Euro) 1147
FYR Macedonia 1025
FYR Macedonia (Euro) 1154
Germany 273
Germany (Euro) 1141
Greece 875
Hebrew (New Code) 424
Hebrew (Old Code) 803
Hindi 1137 5250 display only
Hungary 870
Hungary (Euro) 1153
Iceland 871
Iceland (Euro) 1149
Italy 280
Italy (Euro) 1144
Japan (Katakana) 930
Japan (Katakana Extended) 930
Japanese (Katakana Unicode Extended;JIS2004) 1390 3270 only
Japan (Latin Extended) 939
1399 Japanese (Latin Unicode Extended;JIS2004) 1399
Kazakhstan (Euro) 1166
Korea (Euro) 1364 3270 only
Korea (Extended) 933
Latin America 284
Latin America (Euro) 1145
Latvia 1112
Latvia (Euro) 1156
Lithuania 1112
Lithuania (Euro) 1156
Multilingual 500
Multilingual ISO (Euro) 924
Multilingual (Euro) 1148
Netherlands 037
Netherlands (Euro) 1140
Norway 277
Norway (Euro) 1142
Open Edition 1047
Poland 870
Poland (Euro) 1153
Portugal 037
Portugal (Euro) 1140
Romania 870
Romania (Euro) 1153
Russia 1025
Russia (Euro) 1154
Serbia/Montenegro (Cyrillic) 1025
Serbia/Montenegro (Cyrillic; Euro) 1154
Slovakia 870
Slovakia (Euro) 1153
Slovenia 870
Slovenia (Euro) 1153
Spain 284
Spain (Euro) 1145
Sweden 278
Sweden (Euro) 1143
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese Extended) 937
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese Extended; Euro) 1371
Thai 838
Thai (Euro) 1160
Turkey 1026
Turkey (Euro) 1155
Ukraine 1123
Ukraine (Euro) 1158
United Kingdom 285
United Kingdom (Euro) 1146
United States 037
United States (Euro) 1140


  • 3270 host print with a Printer Definition Table (PDT) supports only Latin-1, DBCS, bidirectional, and Thai code pages. Other code pages are supported either in Adobe PDF printing or on Windows platforms without a PDT.
  • In order to include more characters (which are defined in the GB18030 standard by the Government of the People's Republic of China), 6582 Unicode Extension-A and 1,948 additional non-Han characters (Mongolian, Uygur, Tibetan, and Yi) were added to the Simplified Chinese code page 1388 for Z and I Emulator for Web.