Updating a template in the foreground using option 1 Templates
- Select option 4 Templates from the Primary Options menu to display the Template/View/Criteria Set menu.
- Select option 1. Templates to display the Template Entry panel.
- In the Template data set name field, enter the name of the partitioned data set that contains the template that you want to update.
- In the Template Member field, enter the name of the template member that you want to update. If you enter either no member name or a member name pattern, the Template Member Selection panel is displayed. You can select a template from the list of templates displayed on that panel.
- Press Enter. ZDT/IMS creates a new template based on
the latest DBD and copybook members, and copies from the old template as much other information as
is now relevant to the new database structure:
- The mapping of segment types to copybook members
- Segment descriptions
- Layout identification criteria
- Field sequencing
After which, ZDT/IMS displays the Template Specification panel.
If you want to modify or just view the list of DBD libraries that ZDT/IMS uses to update the template, issue the DBDLIST command. When you issue this command, ZDT/IMS displays the DBD Library List panel. The DBD Library List panel displays the DBD library list that is currently saved in your template. If you change the list and then press the Exit function key (F3), ZDT/IMS:- Validates the specified DBD libraries.
- Searches the libraries for a DBD for the template.
- Uses the DBD it finds to rebuild the template.
- Returns to the Template Specification panel.
If you save the updated template, the specified DBD library list is also saved.
If the only change to the database is a change of copybooks then you can change the names, or if the names are the same, you can enter the UPDATE command in the command line on this panel.
If the new copybooks are located in a different copylib, you will need to change the reference to the copybook data set. To do this issue the LIBLIST command and make sure the proper data sets are in place.
If you have added new segment(s) to the database, the segments will be displayed with blank I and Layout member fields. For any new segment types, you need to specify a copybook member, and perhaps also layout identification criteria, as if you were creating a new template.
If you have removed segments from the database, the display will reflect this and you will get a “Template changed? message.
- The update process adjusts field reference numbers in the layout identification criteria to reflect any changes in the field order. However, if the criteria refer to a field that has been deleted from a copybook, then the update process displays the Segment Layout panel, with references to deleted fields changed to “#0?. Edit the criteria, removing or replacing the obsolete field references, then press the Exit function key (F3) to continue with the update process.
- To save the updated template, press the Exit function key (F3) on the Template Specification panel.
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