Using the translated messages and panels
To use your translated messages in a batch job, specify the appropriate language with the LANGUAGE processing option, using the keywords shown in Keyword values for the LANGUAGE option. See Customizing the ZDT/IMS installation options module for information on how to do this.
Language | Code | Specify on LANGUAGE option… |
French | FRA | FRENCH |
German | DEU | GERMAN |
Italian | ITA | ITALIAN |
Japanese | JPN | JAPANESE |
Portuguese | PTG | PORTUGUESE |
Spanish | ESP | SPANISH |
Danish | DAN | DANISH |
Upper case English | ENP | UPPERENG |
Korean | KOR | KOREAN |
Swiss German | DES | SGERMAN |
Traditional Chinese | CHT | CHINESET |
Simplified Chinese | CHS | CHINESES |
Other | XXX | OTHER |
For example, to use French messages, specify LANGUAGE=FRENCH.
Under ISPF, the language used in messages and panels is determined by the setting of the national language for ISPF, for the current ISPF session. For information on changing the national language setting for your ISPF session, see z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide.
If your ISPF session is set up to use your language, you need to add your libraries to the appropriate ISPF concatenation, in front of any Z Data Tools English libraries. For example, to use your translated messages, add HFM.SHFMMyyy to ISPMLIB, in front of HFM.SHFMMENU. To use your translated panels, add HFM.SHFMPyyy to ISPPLIB, in front of HFM.SHFMPENU.