Exit control block data names
Description | Data type | Set by: | Value |
Eye catcher | CL8 | ZDT initialization | "UIOEXCB" |
Interface version | F | ZDT initialization |
Level support | F | I/O exit initialization |
Function code | F | ZDT, for every call to the exit |
Exit return code | F | I/O exit |
Warning code | F | I/O exit |
Functions supported by exit | X | I/O exit initialization |
Operating mode | X | ZDT initialization |
DDNAME | CL8 | ZDT initialization | DDname allocated by Z Data Tools |
DSN | CL44 | ZDT initialization | fully qualified DSN |
Member name | CL8 | ZDT initialization | Member name, only if the data set is opened as sequential, not PO |
VOLSER | CL6 | ZDT initialization | First VOLSER of the data set, set to blank if not used |
DSORG | 2X | ZDT open | Data set organization: 1st byte:
2nd byte:
VSAM catalog entry | X | ZDT open |
VSAM type information | X | ZDT open |
RECFM | X | ZDT open |
Allocation mode | X | ZDT initialization |
Open mode | X | ZDT open |
Processing mode | X | ZDT initialization |
LRECL | F | ZDT open | record length (non-VSAM) |
BLKSIZE | F | ZDT open | block size (non-VSAM) |
MLRECL | F | ZDT open | maximum record length (VSAM) |
CISZ | F | ZDT open | CI size (VSAM) |
KEYLEN | F | ZDT open | key length |
RKP | F | ZDT open | relative key position (relative to zero offset into the IO area) |
RBA | XL8 | ZDT or I/O exit read | XRBA (VSAM) |
SLOT | F | ZDT or I/O exit read | slot number (VSAM, RRDS/VRRDS) |
MAXL | F | I/O exit open | maximum record length ever to be returned by the exit after read and decompression/decoding. The initial value is the same as that for the file on DASD. |
Estimated raw (that is, uncompressed) data set size, as a percentage of the original size. See note 2. | F | I/O exit open |
Current input record pointer | A | ZDT, all IO | I/O area address passed to the exit (size at least as big as the maximum record length) holds the record to be processed by read/write |
Current input record length | F | ZDT, all IO | length of record passed to the exit |
Current output record pointer | A | ZDT, all IO | I/O area address passed to the exit (size at least as big as the maximum record length) for the output record, holds the record being the result of processing by read/write |
Current output record length | F | I/O exit, all IO | Length of record passed from the exit, if zero then the input record will be assumed to be unchanged and the output record will be ignored |
HFS path name pointer | A | ZDT initialization, open | Address of an HFS path name |
HFS path name length | F | ZDT initialization, open | Length of an HFS path name |
HFS object type | X | ZDT initialization, open | HFS object type specified by the HFS path:
Note: Only regular files are supported. Directory can be set at
initialization only. Other types are added for completeness. |
HFS processing mode | X | ZDT initialization, open | HFS processing mode used in an HFS file processing:
Message | CL80 | I/O exit, all | (Error) message - can be provided for output after each operation, non-error messages will be suppressed after 100 messages per session. See note 3. |
User scratchpad area | CL1024 | UIOEX, all | Maintained by the exit from INIT to TERM |
- Zero is the default. This code is initialized to zero on every call from Z Data Tools to the exit, before the control block is passed to the exit.
- This is a compression ratio, where 100 means the same size as the original data. 100 is the initial value. See Open call discussion for more information, and examples of a compression ratio.
- See Information that should always be returned from the I/O Exit to Z Data Tools for more information about message suppression.