- Specifies the type of tape labels that are created by the Initialize
Tape function.
- SL
- EBCDIC labels are created.
- AL
- ANSI Version 3 labels are created. (
Version 3
refers to ANSI X3.27–1978, ISO 1001–1979, and FIPS 79 standards.) - AL4
- ANSI Version 4 labels are created. (
Version 4
refers to ANSI X3.27–1987 level 4 and ISO 1001–1986(E) standards.)
This parameter only affects the Initialize Tape function. For information on Initialize Tape, see
INT (Initialize Tape)
in the Z Data Tools User’s Guide and Reference.
Note: Changing the TAPELBL option has no effect for ZDT/Db2, ZDT/IMS