Syntax of the HFMS macro
The parameters of HFMS are described below:
- To protect a function, specify FUNCTION=fc (where fc is the function code). This is equivalent to specifying CLASS=FACILITY, ENTITY=FILEM.FUNCTION.fc.
- To protect a group of functions, specify CLASS=FACILITY. To protect a DASD volume from fullpack access, specify CLASS=DASDVOL.
- To protect a group of functions, specify (see Z Data Tools function to profile name cross-reference for the group names to use). To protect a DASD volume from fullpack access, specify ENTITY=volser.
- For all profiles except fullpack access, specify ACCESS=NONE to deny access, or any other value (READ, UPDATE, CONTROL, or ALTER) to give access. To protect fullpack access to DASD volumes, you can also use UPDATE and ALTER to grant read or update access to specific volumes. For more information, see Using HFMSECUR to protect DASD volumes from fullpack access.
- Specify either a user ID or an asterisk (*) to indicate all users who have not previously been specified for this entity. If you specify USERID, do not specify JOBNAME.
- Specify either a Z Data Tools job name or an
asterisk (*) to indicate all jobs that have not previously been specified for
this entity. If you specify JOBNAME, do not specify USERID.
You can control access based on user ID or job name. In batch mode, the job name is passed to HFMSECUR and the user ID is also passed to HFMSECUR if it is available. HFMSECUR reads through the list of HFMS macros until a match is found for the user ID or job name, and either the profile name or the function code. The first match found is used.