Customizing the ZDT/IMS security exit
ZDT/IMS provides a security exit module, HFM1SXT.
HFM1SXT is called
from four different points during processing.
- Exit Type A - Prior to allocating an audit trail data set when editing a database.
- Exit Type D - When allocating a database data set (DLI mode only).
- Exit Type I - Prior to invoking the IMS™ region controller.
- Exit Type T - After the IMS™ region controller terminates.
The version of HFM1SXT that is distributed with ZDT/IMS performs no security checking. Each exit type returns control immediately, thus allowing normal processing to continue.
You can provide your own version of HFM1SXT using either of the sample source decks, HFM1XITA (High Level Assembler) or HFM1XITC (COBOL), as a base. HFM1XITA and HFM1XITC are distributed in HFM1.SHFMSAM1.
Tip: Do not use ISPLINK calls to invoke ISPF services from an HFM1SXT security exit. This is because the ISPF environment does not
exist when ZDT/IMS is invoked from batch and HFI clients.