Implementing Z Data Tools edit models in ISPF Edit
Configure your ISPF environment to enable access to Z Data Tools edit models from an ISPF Edit session.
To implement the Z Data Tools ISPF edit models, perform the following steps:
- Ensure that HFM.SHFMPENU is concatenated to ISPPLIB.
- Ensure that HFM.SHFMSLIB is concatenated to ISPSLIB.
- Modify the ISPF panel ISREMCLS to include a new model class named JCL.
A sample of the updates required can be found in HFM.SHFMSAM1(HFMEMCLS).
- Modify the ISPF panels ISREMEXC and ISREMRXC to include an option for processing Z Data Tools external REXX functions from the EXEC and REXX model panels.
A sample of the updates required for ISPEMEXC can be found in HFM.SHFMSAM1(HFMEMEXC) and the updates required for ISPEMRXC can be found in HFM.SHFMSAM1(HFMEMRXC).