Installing Z Data Tools Service Provider on z/OS®
The Service Provider feature is extracted to UNIX System Services, then installed into z/OS Connect within WLP, and then configured in ZCC server.
Before you begin
- The shell environment must have a z/OS® Connect EE-compatible version of Java™ available on the environment PATH variable. You can check the PATH variable by using the UNIX® System Services echo $PATH command.
- The z/OS® Connect installation directory <ZCON_INST_DIR>/v3r0/wlp/bin must be in the PATH environment variable.
About this task
The Z Data Tools Service Provider for z/OS® Connect feature is shipped as a binary archive in the SHFMSAM1 data set as member HFMZCEE. The archive contains the following files:
com.hcl.zosconnect.zdt.provider.feature_n.n.n.n.esa | Feature archive |
zdtService.sar | Z Data Tools Base component service archive |
zdtIMSService.sar | IMS™ service archive |
zdtDB2Service.sar | Db2® service archive | | Properties file |
com.hcl.zosconnect.buildtoolkit.zdatatools.jar | Build Toolkit plug-in |
- Extract the Z Data Tools Service Provider for z/OS® Connect archive from the SHFMSAM1 data set using the UNIX System
Services pax command.
pax -rf "//'<hlq>.SHFMSAM1(HFMZCEE)'"
This command extracts the HFMZCEE archive into the current working directory. -
(Optional) Edit the productInstall option in the properties file if you want
to change the installation directory.</your/preferred/directory>
This is the location where the Z Data Tools Service Provider is installed. The directory must be fully qualified. That is, it must begin with a forward slash (/). The default installation directory is /var/zdatatools. If you elect to change the default directory, it is recommended that you choose one that does not already contain existing files or sub-directories. The productInstall directory is created if it does not already exist. - Copy the properties file to the z/OS® Connect
<WLP_USER_DIR>/v3r0/extensions directory using the UNIX System Services
cp command. For example:
cp /var/zosconnect/v3r0/extensions
Copy the service archive files to the z/OS® Connect
service directory.
For example:
cp zdt*.sar /var/zosconnect/servers/<yourWLPServer>/resources/zosconnect/services
Ensure that the service archive files are readable by the z/OS® Connect WLP started task user. -
Install the Z Data Tools Service Provider feature into z/OS® Connect using the installUtility command. For example:
installUtility install com.hcl.zosconnect.zdt.provider.feature_2.0.0.0.esa --to=zdatatools
Ensure that the ESA file version number matches the file name in the archive. -
Edit the z/OS Connect WLP server.xml configuration.
The server.xml requires the following changes:
Change the ZCC
server JCL to support z/OS Connect REST requests.
In the HFISRV CONFIG DD statement, add REST=YES after the CONFIG=ZDT stanza. For example:
- Restart or refresh the z/OS Connect WLP task and ZCC server task.
What to do next
To verify a successful installation of the Z Data Tools Service Provider, do the following steps.
- Check the JOBLOG of the z/OS Connect WLP started task and verify that the CWWKF0012I
message lists
as one of the installed features. For example:CWWKF0012I: The server installed the following features: ssl-1.0, jdbc-4.1, zdatatools:zdtProvider-2.0, …
- Invoke the Z Data Tools Service Provider manually, using an HTTP PUT
request to
with the following payload:{ "action" : "verify" }
This can be done from a browser or a REST API tool such as POSTMAN. The HTTP verb must be PUT or POST, and a
Content-Type: application/json
header is required. A HTTP status code of 200 indicates that the Z Data Tools Service Provider has been installed correctly.