Binding Db2® to use Z Data Tools object access method (OAM) functions

If you intend to use Z Data Tools OAM functions, you must bind the Z Data Tools plan, HFMODIRS, into the Db2® system where the OAM objects are defined, to allow the proper working of OAM functions. A sample job, HFMBDIRS, is provided in HFM.SHFMSAM1 to help you do this.

Customize HFMBDIRS according to your Db2® installation requirements. See the instructions in the sample job for more information about changes you need to make. Plan HFMBDIRS is distributed in HFM.SHFMDBRM.

The following Db2® authorities must also be granted to each user of OAM functions:
  • Directory processing requires READ authority for the following tables:
    • GROUPnn.OSM_OBJ_DIR (all group directories) nn = 00 … 99 inclusive
    • owner.VOLUME
  • Restoring objects requires UPDATE authority for the following tables:
    • GROUPnn.OSM_OBJ_DIR (all group directories) nn = 00 … 99 inclusive