Step 7. Use the ZDT/Db2 Export function
Log on to ZDT/Db2, and connect to the same Db2® system specified in Step 1. Define Db2 objects to be used during verification.
can specify any valid data set name that your TSO logon ID has update access to. You can use ISPF
option 3.2, or a batch job, to create the data set. Create this data set with these attributes:
Organization..:PO Record format...:FB Record length...:80 Data set name type PDS or Library
Export Options panel.
Process Options Utilities Help ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ZDT/Db2 (DFF2) Export Options (1 of 3) Global Settings Command ===> Data Format: 1 1. ZDT/Db2 (SQLDA) format Enter "/" to select option 2. Db2 UNLOAD format Native unicode processing 3. DSNTIAUL format 4. User defined 5. Delimited variables (CSV) Execution options: Select option 2 1. Online Enter "/" to select option 2. Batch --> Batch data set creation 3. Batch, using Db2 UNLOAD --> Edit Db2 UNLOAD options More Options: Enter "/" to select option Null indicators / CSV options (For user-defined, CSV data formats) Data type format (For user-defined data format) F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F11=NxtPage F12=Cancel
Return to the ZDT/Db2 main menu by pressing PF3.
Select the ZDT/Db2 Export function by typing '3.7' on the ZDT/Db2 main menu and pressing Enter.
Type 'HFM0USR' and 'Employee-Detail' on the From Db2® object
field as shown in Export Utility. Press Enterto show the ZDT/Db2 Export
To partitioned...panel:
- Export data set name:
- Template data set name:
- Template member name:
- Template usage:
- Disposition:
Process Options Utilities Help ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ZDT/Db2 (DFF2) Export Utility Command ===> From Db2 Object: Location . . . . . Database . . . (optional) Owner . . . . . . . HFM0USR + Table Space . . (optional) Name . . . . . . . Employee-Detail + Export count . . . ALL Number of rows to export From Template: Data set name . . . Member . . . . . . Processing Options: Template usage Enter "/", "A"lways to select option 3 1. Above Edit options 2. Previous Edit template 3. Generate from table 4. Generate/Replace F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Expand F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel
Process Options Utilities Help ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── EXPORT From HFM0USR.EMPLOYEE-DETAIL Top of data Command ===> To Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set: Data set name . . . EXPORT.EMPDET Member . . . . . . Volume . . . . . . To Copybook or Template: Data set name . . . HFM.TEMPLATE Member . . . . . . EMPUL Processing Options: Template usage Disposition 4 1. Above 2 1. Old or Reuse 2. Previous 2. Mod 3. Generate from table 4. Generate/Replace Enter "/", "A"lways to select option 5. None. (CSV output) View options Edit template mapping F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Expand F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel
Press Enter. An allocation panel for the export data set is displayed.
See Allocation panel for Export
data. Type '6' for a Non
data set and press Enter to move to the second allocation
panel. See Allocation panel for Export data (2).
- If you execute this IVP step on subsequent occasions you may see a "Template replace" pop-up panel. This is a warning panel displayed when a Z Data Tools/Db2 function is about to replace a template in a member of PDS that already exists. Press Enter to continue.
- On subsequent executions of this IVP step the allocation panel for the export data set is not shown.
Process Options Utilities Help
Allocate PERTHAP.EXPORT.EMPDET Template saved
Command ===>
New Data Set Organization:
Select option Instructions
6 1. KSDS The above data set does not exist.
2. ESDS To define or allocate a new data set select a data
3. RRDS set organization and press ENTER or press PF3/EXIT
4. VRRDS or PF12/CANCEL to return without allocation.
5. LDS
6. Non VSAM
7. IAM KSDS For a new data set, enter a data set name
8. IAM ESDS below to copy existing allocation attributes.
Existing Data Set:
Like data set . . . . .
Volume serial . . . . .
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward
F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel
Process Options Utilities Help
Command ===>
More: +
Specify a model data set, volume, SMS class names, or leave blank for defaults:
Like data set . .
Volume serial . . (Blank for system default volume)
Device type . . . (Generic unit or device address)
Data class . . . (Leave blank for default)
Storage class . . (Leave blank for default)
Management class (Leave blank for default)
Space Requirements:
Space unit . . . CYLS BLKS, TRKS, CYLS, KB, or MB
Primary units . . 1 quantity of above units
Secondary units . 5 quantity of above units
Directory blocks 0 leave blank for SMS default
Record format . . FB if new format: U,F,V, or D, with B,S,A,M
Record length . . 151
Block size . . . physical output block size
Data set type . . LIBRARY, PDS, BASIC, EXTR, EXTP or LARGE
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward
F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel
Review the generated JCL. It should not be necessary to change the STEPLIB DD statements if the correct Db2® libraries are specified in the HFM2SSDM macro entry for the currently connected Db2® system.
Submit the job. The expected return code is RC=0, with 48 rows exported.
You can browse the exported data set using the View option in the Z Data Tools Base component.