Setting the default national language
If you installed the Japanese component or you have provided locally translated messages and panels, you can change the default national language used in the Z Data Tools ISPF and batch interfaces.
The language used by Z Data Tools under ISPF depends on the language setting for your ISPF session.
The language used by Z Data Tools for batch processing depends on the LANGUAGE option in HFM0POPT. See Keyword values for the LANGUAGE option for the value to specify for LANGUAGE. See LANGUAGE for more information about the LANGUAGE option.
ZDT/CICS also uses the LANGUAGE option in HFM0POPT to determine the language for ISPF panels and messages. If you have installed the ZDT/CICS Japanese component, change the setting to that language. If you have provided ZDT/CICS messages and panels in another language, change the setting to that language.