Writing your own exit
To provide your own exit in COBOL, you can use the sample members HFMCRAEX and HFMCRACJ. To do this:
- Code your own version of HFMCRAEX in your source library, using HFMCRAEX from HFM.SHFMSAM1 as a base.
- Modify the sample job HFMCRACJ in HFM.SHFMSAM1 to meet your site's requirements. Refer to the sample job for information about any changes you might need to make.
- Modify the TEST program in HFMCRACJ as required.
- Run HFMCRACJ to verify your exit.
- When you are satisfied with the testing of your exit using HFMCRACJ, link edit your version of HFMCRAEX into a load library available to Z Data Tools. If you installed Z Data Tools into the default libraries this will be HFM.SHFMMOD1.
The COBOL sample exit is described in detail in The library management system exit.
To provide your own exit in another high-level language or High Level Assembler, code your own version of HFMCRAEX in your own source library, compile it and link edit it into a load library available to Z Data Tools. If you installed Z Data Tools into the default libraries this will be HFM.SHFMMOD1.
If you link edited your version of HFMCRAEX into your own load library, you might want to add this library to the STEPLIB DD statement in the batch JCL skeleton, for use in batch jobs. For more information about the batch JCL skeleton, see Changing the JCL skeleton for batch mode.
If you want to test your exit before making it generally available in production, link edit your version of HFMCRAEX into your own load library and use the TSOLIB command to activate your own load library. Refer to the z/OS TSO/E Command Reference, for information about the TSOLIB command.
- Some LMSs require that code calling them, or the data structures passed to them, or both, be below the 16 MB line. If that is the case, you must provide the appropriate compiler and link edit options.
- If you are using HFMCRAEX, you cannot run Z Data Tools APF-authorized.
- See Writing the exit in HLASM for other considerations when writing your exit in HLASM.