Template repository import utility
The template repository import utility imports repository entries in XML form from a data set produced by the export utility.
The XML format allows for mass changes to be more conveniently made to repository entries, which can then be imported back to Z Data Tools.
Process Options Help ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Z Data Tools Template Repository Import Utility Command ===> Repository: Data set name . 'HFM.TEMPLATE.REPOSTRY' Import data set: Data set name . EXPORT.REPOSTRY Member . . . . ABC _ Edit Processing Options: Enter "/" to select option _ Batch execution _ Update entries _ Clear print data set
- Repository Data set name
- (Required) A fully qualified or generic data set name that will be used to identify the template repository data set. If a blank name is entered Z Data Tools will determine the repository name from either the allocated ddname TPREPOS or the HFM4POPT options module if it has been customized to contain the template repository data set name.
- Import data set name
- (Required) A fully qualified or generic data set name that will be used to identify the data set from where the XML entries will be imported.
- Member
- If the import data set is partitioned, enter the name of a member that contains the XML data. To select the required member from a member name list, leave this field blank or specify a member name pattern.
- Edit
- Enter / to edit the import data set or member.
- Batch execution
- Enter / to edit the batch JCL to run the function in batch.
- Update entries
- Enter / to update existing entries with the same resource name.
- Clear print data set
- Enter / to clear previous import report data from the print data set.
Import report
When running Z Data Tools interactively with Output destination set to
3. Data set
in the Print Processing Options, you can use the PB command to
view the import report.
Repository Update Report
Resource Name Status
Report description
- Resource Name
- The name attribute value of the entry or DEFAULT BASE for a default entry.
- Status
- Added
- New entry added.
- Updated
- An existing entry has been replaced.
- Not updated
- Update entries was not selected and the entry exists.
- Template build error
- The associated template could not be loaded. This is normally due to a compilation error or invalid template.
- Processing error
- An error occurred whilst processing this entry. See associated messages.