Template repository export history utility
The template repository history export utility is used to export history entries in XML form to an output data set that can subsequently be reviewed and optionally changed and imported back into a template repository.
Z Data Tools keeps a history table for each user in the ISPF profile data set. History entries are found in an ISPF table named HFMTMHST, which is normally located in the data set associated with the ddname ISPPROF. The repository history export utility produces a data set selection list where ISPF profile data sets can be selected as input. After one or more profile data sets are selected the XML data set is populated and an edit session is invoked in which entries can be reviewed and modifications can be made. Following the edit session, a prompt to proceed to the import dialog is issued.
Process Options Help
Z Data Tools Template History Export Utility
Command ===>
Template History:
Data set filter ______________________________________________
Export Data set:
Data set name .
Member . . . .
Processing Options:
Enter "/" to select option
/ Replace member
- Data set filter
- A fully qualified or generic data set name that will be used to list the ISPF
profile data sets that contain the HFMTMHST
history table. If you leave this field blank it will default to the current ISPF
user profile data set.
Use the S command from the list produced to select one or more profile data sets for input to the export process. To add more profile data sets, change the data set filter and repeat the selection.
- Export Data set name
- (Required) A fully qualified or generic data set name that will be used to identify where the exported XML data will be stored. If the data set does not exist you will be prompted for allocation details.
- Member
- If the export data set is partitioned, enter the name of a member in which to store the output. To select the required member from a member name list, leave this field blank or specify a member name pattern.
- Replace member
- Enter / to replace a like-named member in the output partitioned data set.
Export the history of more than one user and import the entries to a template repository.
Process Options Help
Z Data Tools Template History Export Utility
Command ===>
Template History:
Data set filter ______________________________________________
Export Data set:
Data set name . EXPORT.REPOSTRY
Member . . . . HISTORY
Processing Options:
Enter "/" to select option
/ Replace member
Enter the name of a data set and member in which to store the output XML. If these don’t exist they will be created. Leave the Data set filter field blank.
Press Enter to proceed to the ISPF Profile Data Set Selection panel.
Process Options Help
Z Data Tools ISPF Profile Data Set Selection Row 00001 of 00001
Command ===> Scroll PAGE
Data Set Selection for myuserid.ISPF.ISPPROF
Data Set Name Type Volume Created
myuserid.ISPF.ISPPROF * * *
S myuserid.ISPF.ISPPROF PDSE D$US50 2018.214
**** End of data ****
Use the S prefix command and then press Enter to select and highlight the profile data set.
Change the heading filter to another user ID.
Process Options Help
Z Data Tools ISPF Profile Data Set Selection Row 00001 of 00001
Command ===> Scroll PAGE
Data Set Selection for USER2.ISPF.ISPPROF
Data Set Name Type Volume Created
**** End of data ****
Repeat the profile selection step for each additional user ID and then press F3 to finish selection and invoke the export process.
File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ISREDDE2 myuserid.EXPORT.REPOSTRY(HISTORY)re- 01.00 Columns 00001 00072 Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE ****** ***************************** Top of Data ****************************** ==MSG> -Warning- The UNDO command is not available until you change ==MSG> your edit profile using the command RECOVERY ON. ==MSG> -CAUTION- Profile is set to STATS ON. Statistics did not exist for ==MSG> this member, but will be generated if data is saved. 000001 <repository> 000002 <entry name="KEEPER.APAR.PI76128.DATA(OLD1)" member="OLD1"> 000003 <library>KEEPER.APAR.PI76128.TEMPLATE.XML</library> 000004 </entry> 000005 <entry name="KEEPER.APAR.PI76128.DATA(NEW1)" member="NEW1"> 000006 <library>KEEPER.APAR.PI76128.TEMPLATE.XML</library> 000007 </entry> 000008 <entry name="HLQ.SHFMSAM1(HFMCDATA)" member="HFMCTMPL"> 000009 <library>HLQ.SHFMSAM1</library> 000010 </entry> 000011 <entry name="HFM.USERXYZ.DATA(MODDATE)" member="MODDATE"> 000012 <library>F ┌──────────────────────────────────┐ 000013 </entry> │ 26 entries exported successfully │ 000014 <entry name └──────────────────────────────────┘ TYPE"> 000015 <library>HFM.USERXYZ.TEMPLATE.XML</library>
Review the XML document in the ISPF edit session. Delete entries that are not required in the repository and modify entry names where appropriate. When you have finished editing entries, press F3 twice to proceed to the Import panel.
In the Template Repository Import Utility panel, type / in the Batch execution field and then press Enter to submit a batch job to run the import.