Copying tape data across a network
To send the contents of a tape across a network:
- Use Tape to VSAM (option 4.2.4) or Tape to Sequential Data (option
4.2.5) to copy all the files on the tape, including tape marks, to
a VSAM entry-sequenced data set or a sequential data set. See Specifying the number of tape files to process. Each tape mark is converted to an 80-character record that has the format:
- Transfer the file or data set across the network, using a file transfer program, such as the IBM® File Transfer Program.
- At the other end, use the VSAM to Tape (option 4.2.6) or Sequential Data to Tape (option 4.2.7) to copy the data set to a tape. Z Data Tools converts the tape-mark records back to tape marks on the output tape.