Exported Stacked Volume Copy (option 4.2.8)
Process Options Help
Z Data Tools Exported Stacked Volume Copy
Tapes: No tapes allocated
DDNAME to use .________ enter new name, or select one from above
Logical vol(s)___________________________________
enter logical volume(s) to be copied
DDNAME to use .________ enter new name, or select one from above
Tape mode . . .__ optional recording mode or density code
Command ===> ___________________________________________________________________
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- Copying from an Exported Stacked Volume to disk is not currently supported.
- Copying part of a logical volume or certain files from a logical volume contained on an Exported Stacked Volume is not currently supported. The complete logical volume must be copied.
- For the output volumes:
- The allocation may be SL, NL, or BLP. If SL is used. the operating system checks for a correct set of standard label headers.
- During the copy process the volume is no longer treated as an SL volume.
- The volume is rewound at the start of Exported Stacked Volume Copy (for SL, NL, and BLP).
- If the volume contains a VOL1 header, the VOLSER in the VOL1 is
saved and used to change the VOL1, HDR1, and EOF1, of records from
the logical input volume prior to writing to the output volume. This
results in a change of VOLSER for the logical volume being copied.
To keep the VOLSER on the physical output volume the same as the VOLSER on the logical input volume, initialize the physical output volume with the same VOLSER as the logical volume prior to starting Exported Stacked Volume Copy.
- If the output volume contains no VOL1 record initially, then the VOLSER of the logical input volume is retained, but no update of tape management systems occurs.
- Exported Stacked Volume Copy extracts a block of data from an Exported Stacked Volume and writes the physical block of data to the output volume. A block of data may be user data or HDR, or EOF records. There is no open or close performed for each file on the logical volume. Hence there is no interface to tape management systems, and the catalog information for individual data sets on the volume is not updated.
- After the Table of Contents has been read, the Exported Stacked Volume is then rewound before the copy process starts.
- Requested logical volumes are copied to the physical volumes. The copies are in the same order as the requested list of volumes.
- Up to five serial numbers of logical volumes contained on an input
Exported Stacked Volume can be processed within a single
Z Data Tools command.
Each logical volume requested is copied to a separate single physical output volume. Therefore, a request for four logical volumes to be copied requires four physical output volumes. There must be a one-to-one correspondence of logical input volumes to physical output volumes.
Currently this utility does not output a single logical input volume to more than a single volume. Therefore, if the output volume is too short to hold the logical input volume, the copy stops.
For further information, refer to the online help or EVC (Exported Stacked Volume Copy).