Example 6: Read a Db2® database sequentially
In the following example, Z Data Tools Service Provider REST API calls are issued to start a persistent Db2® session to read rows from a Db2® table, using a Z Data Tools template to map fields in each row.
Initial request
An initial API call to read data from a Db2® data resource requires an HTTP Basic Authorization header so that the caller can be authenticated for subsequent access to Db2® data resources. For example:
Authorization : Basic dXNlcmlkOnBhc3N3b3Jk
where the string after the Basic keyword represents a Base64 encoding of userid:password.
All requests with a JSON payload also require a Content-Type header with a value of
The initial request also requires the name of the Db2® subsystem, the Db2® table owner, the Db2® table name, and optionally a Z Data Tools/Db2 template to map the data. If you do not specify a template, the service provider will build a dynamic template and return all table columns and rows.
"resource" :
"ssid" : "DFG2",
"owner" : "DSN81010",
"tableName" : "EMP"
"template" :
"templateName" : "DB2.TEMPLATE(EMPTMPL)"
"operation" :
"numRows" : 1,
"session" : true,
"timeout" : 300,
"maxRows" : 0
This request reads one row from the beginning of Db2® table EMP, which is owned by DSN81010, in Db2® subsystem DFG2. The request will use ZDT/Db2 template DB2.TEMPLATE(EMPTMPL) to map out the row columns in the response.
The service provider will persist a Z Data Tools/Db2
session because session
is set to true. The session will remain
active until a subsequent request is made with session
set to
false, or a timeout period of 300 seconds (5 minutes) elapses with no activity on
the session.
The maxRows parameter specifies 0, which means all rows in the table. The default is 10000 if maxRows is not specified.
The caller can expect a token to be returned on an initial request when session
is set to true, and can use the token on subsequent calls without the need to pass resource or
template parameters, or a Basic Authorization header.
Successful response
A successful response (HTTP Status Code 200) will be similar to the following:
"column": "EMPNO",
"type": "CH(6)",
"value": "000010"
"column": "FIRSTNME",
"type": "VC(12)",
"value": "CHRISTINE"
"column": "LASTNAME",
"type": "VC(15)",
"value": "HAAS"
"column": "WORKDEPT",
"type": "CH(3)",
"value": "A00"
"column": "JOB",
"type": "CH(8)",
"value": "PRES"
"column": "SALARY",
"type": "DEC(9,2)",
"value": 52750
"token": "1zcuItFg8fX18Pjx+PXw9GD29/Tx+Pk="
Subsequent read requests
The API caller can now make subsequent requests using the response token and reuse the ZDT/Db2 session maintained by the service provider. For example:
"operation" :
"numRows" : 1,
"session" : true,
"token": "1zcuItFg8fX18Pjx+PXw9GD29/Tx+Pk="
When passing a token, the caller does not need to pass resource or template parameters as these are already known by the session associated with the token.
The API caller can continue to read one or more rows at a time until a response row object has
set to true, indicating that the last row has been read. For example:
"rows" :
"last" : true,
… other response fields
Ending the session
At this point, the API caller sends a request to terminate the active ZDT/Db2 session.
"operation" :
"numRows" : 0,
"session" : false,
"token": "1zcuItFg8fX18Pjx+PXw9GD29/Tx+Pk="
Sending a request with session
set to false will always terminate the ZDT/Db2 session, providing the token is valid. Since the caller has
already read the last row, setting "numRows" : 0
tells the service provider not to
attempt to read any more rows.