Example 5: Read from a position within an IMS™ database
In the following example, Z Data Tools Service Provider REST API calls are issued to position within an IMS™ database and then read a segment at that position.
Initial request
An initial API call to read data from an IMS™ data resource requires an HTTP Basic Authorization header so that the caller can be authenticated for subsequent access to IMS™ data resources. For example:
Authorization : Basic dXNlcmlkOnBhc3N3b3Jk
where the string after the Basic keyword represents a Base64 encoding of userid:password.
All requests with a JSON payload also require a Content-Type header with a value of
The initial request also requires the name of the IMS™ subsystem, the IMS™ database name, a PSB member name, an IMS™ region type, and a Z Data Tools/IMS view to map the data. Dynamic PSBs are supported and can be specified by using the psbName parameter and the value DYNAMIC.
The position parameters allow the specification of a series of segmentKeys, which match the hierarchy of the database and keyed segments. In this case, we are positioning on a root segment with a key value equal to "02922399-001":
"resource" :
"ssid" : "IFB2",
"database" : "HDOU#1",
"psbMember" : "PHDOU#1",
"pcbName" : "DBPCB1",
"regionType" : "BMP"
"view" :
"viewName" : "IMS.VIEW(HDOU#1)"
"operation" :
"numSegments" : 1,
"session" : false
} ,
"position" :
"segmentKeys" :
"segmentName" : "PARTROOT",
"keyValue" : "02922399-001",
"operator" : "EQ"
This request reads one segment from the nominated position within the IMS™ database HDOU#1 in IMS™ subsystem IFB2. The request will use PSB member PHDOU#1 and the PCB with label DBPCB1 in the PSB member. The region type is BMP. The request will use the view IMS.VIEW(HDOU#1) to map out the segment fields in the response.
The service provider will not persist a Z Data Tools/IMS session because session
is set to false.
Successful response
A successful response (HTTP Status Code 200) will be similar to the following:
"layout": "PARTROOT",
"segname": "PARTROOT",
"field": "ROOT-TYPE",
"type": "AN",
"value": "02"
"field": "ROOT-KEY",
"type": "AN",
"value": "922399-001"
"field": "ROOT-SPACES",
"type": "AN",
"value": " "
"field": "ROOT-WOSNAME",
"type": "AN",
"value": "CONNECTOR"
The caller does not need to issue a second request to terminate the ZDT/IMS session because no session was maintained by the service provider.