Compare Utility: "Old" and "New" panels
The Compare Utility "Old" and Compare Utility "New" panels are used to specify the "Old" and "New" data sets in the comparison, and the conditions that form the compare subsets. Optionally, you can also specify the name of the copybooks or templates that describe logical views of the data sets and further refine the "Old" and "New" compare sets.
Both panels contain the same fields.
Panel and field definitions
Process Options Help ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Z Data Tools Compare Utility Top of data More: "Old" Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or HFS file: Data set/path name . . COPYBOOK + Member . . . . . . . . HFMCCPY (Blank or pattern for member list) Volume serial . . . . . Start key . . . . . . . key or slot Skip count . . . . . . number of records to be skipped Compare count . . . . . ALL number of records to be compared "Old" Copybook or Template: Data set name . . . . . Member . . . . . . . . Processing Options: Copybook/template usage Enter "/" to select option 3 1. Above Edit template Type (1,2,S) 2. Previous Advanced member selection 3. None Skip member name list 4. Create dynamic Batch execution Binary mode, reclen Command ===> F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Expand F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel
- "Old" (or "New") Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or HFS file
- You can use this panel to specify the data set, HFS file, WebSphere® MQ queue name, or
a CICS® resource to be
compared, and to define which records are to be compared. It contains:
- Data set/path name
- Can be a fully-qualified data set name or a pattern, an HFS file
or directory, a WebSphere® MQ
queue name, or a CICS® resource.
For information about specifying a WebSphere® MQ queue name, see Specifying an MQ manager or queue.
For information about specifying a CICS® resource, see Specifying a CICS resource.
The data set name may include a member name or name pattern in parenthesis. If the member is specified here, the associated Member field must be empty.
When you specify an HFS file or directory, you must enter a full path name. If the path name is longer than the displayed entry field, press the Expand function key (F4) to display a pop-up window in which you can enter a longer name.
- Member
- If you specified the name of a partitioned data set (PDS) without
including a member name or name pattern in parenthesis in the Data
set name field, then you can use this field to specify the member
name or a member name pattern. Note: The specification of a "New" member depends on the specification of an "Old" member. If the "Old" member specifies one member, the "New" member must also point to one member. If the "Old" member specifies a member name pattern, the "New" member must use the same pattern or an "*".
- Volume
- Specify a volume serial number if the data set is not cataloged.
- Start key
- VSAM only. Works in conjunction with Skip count to specify
the first record from the data set to be included in the compare set.
If a start key or slot number is applicable to the data set, records are skipped until a record with a key or slot number greater than or equal to the specified value in the Start key field is found. If the key contains lowercase characters, blanks, or commas, enclose it in quotation marks. Keys can also be in hexadecimal format (for example, X'0102').
- Skip count
- Works in conjunction with Start key to specify the first
record from the data set to be included in the compare set.
The number of records specified in the Skip count field is skipped after the start key or slot number (if applicable) has been honored.
- Compare count
- This field sets a limit on the number of records in the final compare sets that are included in the comparison.
- "Old" (or "New") Copybook or Template
- These fields identify either a copybook or a template. If a copybook
is specified, it is compiled to create a temporary template that can
optionally be saved if edit was requested. Note: In the case of a copybook, this can be the name of a CA-Panvalet library, or a library accessed using the Library Management System Exit.
- Processing Options
- The processing options enable you to specify and modify a template
that describes the logical view of your data set. The options are:
- Copybook/template Usage
- 1. Above
- Enter 1 to invoke data set compare with the specified copybook or template.
- 2. Previous
- Enter 2 to invoke data set compare with the template last used with the specified input data set.
- 3. None
- Enter 3 to invoke data set compare without a template.
- 4. Create dynamic
- Enter 4 to create a dynamic template to be used when comparing.
- Edit template
- Specify / to edit the template before use. See Creating and editing templates for detailed information about creating and editing templates.
- Type (1,2,S)
- The type of editing you want to perform. You can specify one of the following values:
- 1
- Edit the Record Identification Criteria by field first
- 2
- Edit the Record Selection Criteria by field first
- S
- Edit the source definition for a template using the advanced copybook selection facility.
This option is ignored when editing a dynamic template.
- Advanced member selection
- Enter "/" to specify a range of members to be selected rather than a specific or generic member name.
- Skip member name list
- Enter "/" to run without showing the member selection list.
- Batch execution
- Specify / to generate and edit a batch job to perform the comparison.
For more information on editing these statements, see DSM (Data Set Compare). Note: This option is only available on the "Old" compare panel.
- Binary mode
- When processing an HFS file, allows you to specify binary mode (selected) or text mode (unselected).
- reclen
- When processing an HFS file and the Binary mode option
is selected, records are derived based on the fixed record length
specified. The default is 80.
Can be in the range: 1–32760
- Use I/O exit
- Allows you to specify a user I/O exit for compressed or encrypted
data sets.
This option has two fields. To select the option, enter "/" in the field to the left of Use I/O exit. With this selected, you can then specify which exit to use in the field to the right of the field label.
Note:- The field only displays if Z Data Tools is installed with the option USEIOX=ENABLE, and the Exit enabled field (in the Set System Processing Options panel) is set to YES. If a default is specified with either of those options, it is displayed in the field to the right of Use I/O exit.
- I/O exits can only be used to process the data sets that you are using. They cannot be used to process the copybook or template that you are using to format the data set.
Parent panels
The Compare Utility: "Old" panel is accessed from the Utility Functions menu panel. The Compare Utility: "New" panel can only be accessed from the "Old" panel.
Child panels
- Compare Utility: Options panel (the "Old" and "New" data sets and templates, if specified, were fully qualified)
- Data Set Selection panel (a pattern has been entered in the Data set name field)
- Member Selection panel(a pattern or a blank has been entered in the Member field)
- Record Type Selection panel (Edit Template is selected and the specified template was based on a copybook with more than one record type).
- Field Selection/Edit panel (Edit Template is selected and the specified template was based on a copybook with only one record type).
- Dynamic Template panel (Create Dynamic option is selected or Edit Template is selected and the specified template was created dynamically).
- Personal Data Set List panel (Current® Data Set List option selected from the Process drop-down menu, or REFL fastpath command entered).
- Personal Data Set Lists panel (Personal Data Set Lists option selected from the Process drop-down menu, or REFD fastpath command entered).