Setting options
You do not have to set options every time you use the panels. The options, and many of the parameters that you enter in the panels, are saved when you leave ISPF (though not if the session is not terminated normally) and will be the default next time.
Select option 0 on the main menu to display the DEFINING PARAMETERS AND OPTIONS panel:
Option ===>
Select one of the following:
0 REINIT - Re-initialize the application profile values
1 SUBSYSTEM NAME - Set or change name of Subsystem and Server LU
2 DATE - Specify date/time formats and default calendar
3 COLOR - Specify panel color and highlight attributes
4 ISPF OPTIONS - Specify ISPF/PDF options
5 AD/OI CHECKS - Specify AD/OI consistency checks
6 JCL EDIT - Specify JCL edit tool
7 CLEANUP CHECK - Specify check option for Automatic Cleanup type
8 PANELS STYLE - Specify the style for the operation panels
After you specify the options you prefer, they are used throughout HCL Workload Automation for Z. The options are stored in your ISPF profile data set. When you use the panels, the options are retrieved from your profile.
- Use this option to set HCL Workload Automation for Z profile to the default values defined at installation time. This is done automatically the first time that you use HCL Workload Automation for Z. If you start to use HCL Workload Automation for Z for a new language feature, perform a REINIT.
- Select this option to specify the name of the controller subsystem with which the panels are to communicate. The name must be an alphanumeric string of not more than 4 characters. If the controller is on a different z/OS®, the SERVER LU NAME must be given. The logical unit (LU) name can be a fully qualified LU name networkid.luname, 3-17 characters. The LU name is sufficient if the Server is on the same net as the panels.
- Use this option to specify the format of dates and times in HCL Workload Automation for Z and,
if required, to set a local time offset. The SETTING DATE AND TIME
FORMAT panel is displayed:
Figure 2. EQQXDATP - Setting date and time format EQQXDATP ------------- SETTING DATE AND TIME FORMAT ----------------------- Command ===> Enter/change data below: DATE-FORMAT ===> YY/MM/DD Combine the characters for year ( YY or CCYY ), and month ( MM ) and day ( DD ), or day number ( DDD ). You can use separation characters (such as - or /) if space permits. TIME-FORMAT ===> HH.MM Combine the characters for hours( HH ) and minutes( MM ). Optionally separated by any character. DURATION-FORMAT ===> MMMM.SS Specify the characters for hours( HH ) and minutes( MM ) and seconds( SS ) or minutes( MMMM ) and seconds( SS ). Optionally separated by any character. LOCAL TIME OFFSET ===> 0__ Specify local time offset in minutes. The value must be in the range 0 to 1439. TIME OFFSET SIGN ===> + Specify - if local time is before HWA. Specify + if local time is after HWA. CALENDAR ID ===> ________________ Default calendar identification
- You can specify dates with these formats:
- CCYYMMDD or YY/MM/DD, where CC is the century. CC, YY, MM,and DD can be in any order.
- YY/DDD or CCYY/DDD, where DDD is the day number in the Julian calendar. CC, YY, and DDD can be in any order.
- Specify the time in the HH.MM format. The delimiter character between hours and minutes can be a period (.), or any character other than H or M. Example panels in this book use the format HH.MM.
- You can specify hours (HH), minutes (MM), and seconds (SS) or minutes (MMMM) and seconds (SS). Any character can be specified as a separation character.
- If you are in a different time zone from the controller, you can
specify a local time offset. This means that actual start and end
times are adjusted to take your local time into consideration. The
local time offset is the number of minutes your local time is ahead
of or behind controller subsystem time; that is, HCL Workload Automation for Z controlling
processor clock time. The local time offset specified on this panel
applies only to the ISPF profile that you are using. Note: All time values stored in controller data sets are specified in controller subsystem time so that you cannot, for example, use the local-time offset option to specify or display workstation open intervals, input arrival times, or run-cycle start times, in your local time. Reports created by HCL Workload Automation for Z batch jobs always have time values expressed in controller subsystem time and not your local time.
- This option is used with LOCAL TIME OFFSET to specify whether your local time is ahead of or behind HCL Workload Automation for Z controller subsystem time. For example, you specify + if your local time is ahead of controller subsystem time.
- Specify the default calendar that HCL Workload Automation for Z uses
for panel functions such as the LONG TERM PLAN panel, the GENDAYS
command for checking run cycles, and substituting job control language
(JCL) variables at job setup. For batch functions, HCL Workload Automation for Z uses
the calendar specified in the BATCHOPT initialization statement. In
both cases, HCL Workload Automation for Z looks
for a calendar called DEFAULT if no other calendar is specified. For
some functions (ETT and the EQQUSIN subroutine), HCL Workload Automation for Z has
no access to BATCHOPT or the panel default, so the scheduler always
looks for the calendar DEFAULT if no calendar is specified.
If no calendar is specified and there is no calendar called DEFAULT, HCL Workload Automation for Z treats all days as work days.
- Select this option to display the SETTING COLOR
AND HIGHLIGHT ATTRIBUTES panel, where you specify color and highlighting
attributes for different panel elements:
Figure 3. EQQXCOLP - Setting color and highlight attributes EQQXCOLP ------ SETTING COLOR AND HIGHLIGHT ATTRIBUTES --------- Command ===> Enter/change data below: COLOR HILITE PANEL ELEMENT CATEGORY WHITE__ _______ Panel titles and data items BLUE___ _______ Directional lines and explanatory text BLUE___ REVERSE Header text WHITE__ _______ Option numbers and command text BLUE___ _______ Normal status (for instance output text) WHITE__ _______ Important status (for instance output data) RED____ _______ Command input GREEN__ _______ Optional input RED____ _______ Required input RED____ BLINK__ Error flagged input Valid color specifications are: WHITE, RED, BLUE, GREEN, PINK, YELLOW, and TURQ Valid highlight specifications are: USCORE, REVERSE, BLINK, and blank for no highlighting
The panels have different elements; for example, the title of the panel and the command input field. For each of these elements, you can specify color and highlighting. If you set a color to blank, the installation default is used.
To test the effect of the color and highlighting attributes, press Enter to re-display the panel with the specified attributes.
All panel elements in HCL Workload Automation for Z are subsequently displayed with the attributes specified on this panel. You can also use the COLOR command at any time.
- Select this option in the DEFINING
OPC PARAMETERS AND OPTIONS panel to change the following:
- Specify
these terminal characteristics:
- Terminal type
- Number of PF keys
- Input field pad characters: nulls or blanks
- Command delimiter for stacking commands
- Screen format
- Specify the log data set and list data set options, print process options, and job statement information for the system printer.
- Specify the number of PF keys and the operations they will perform.
- Specify whether the command line is to be placed at:
- The top (ASIS) of the panel (as shown in the examples in this publication).
- The bottom (BOTTOM) of the panel.
- Specify the list data set record format (FBA or VBA), logical record length, and line length.
- Specify Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM®) graphic print attributes.
- Use the ENVIRON commands to trace the TPUT, TGET, and PUTLINE buffers, to produce system ABEND dumps when not running in ISPF TEST mode, and to gather terminal status information.
- Modify keylist function. You can issue the KEYLIST command from
the command line of a panel. If you issue the KEYLIST command from
a panel displaying a keylist, that keylist will be marked
- Specify dialog test options. You can specify that ending Dialog Test (option 7 on the ISPF primary panel) will restore the TEST/TRACE values that were in effect when Dialog Test was called.
- Change the default color specifications for ISPF panels.
- Use the Common User Access® (CUA®) Color/Emphasis Change Utility to change the color, intensity, and highlight values for panel elements on CUA® panels.
- Use this option
to specify whether you want application description (AD) and operator
instructions (OI) consistency checks done each time an Application
is created, deleted, or modified.
Consistency checks consist of looking for a match in the AD database for the operator instruction used in the Application. All operator instructions for which no match is found are deleted.
These checks are made immediately after the AD panel action has been completed, either confirming or canceling it.
For example, if you start the creation of a new Application, APPLX, with one operation, 001, select option 7 from the OPERATION DETAILS panel and create an operator instruction, APPLX-001. Finally, press CANCEL instead of PF3 so that the APPLX application is not created; the consistency checks will lead to the deletion of the newly created operator instruction, because an operation with the key APPLX-001 could not be found in the AD database.
When you select option 0.5, the following panel is displayed:
Figure 4. EQQXAOIP - Setting AD/OI consistency check EQQXAOIP ---------- SETTING AD/OI CONSISTENCY CHECK ------------- Command ===> CONSISTENCY CHECK ===> Y Specify Y to check AD-OI consistency when you create, update, or delete an Application Description. Specify N to bypass AD-OI consistency checking. Default is Y. CONFIRM PANEL ===> Y Specify Y to display a confirmation panel before AD-OI consistency check actions are applied. Specify N to bypass the confirmation panel. Default is Y.
- If Y is specified, consistency checks will be done from the APPLICATION DESCRIPTION panel. Y is the default.
- This field is meaningful only if Consistency Check has been set
to Y.
If Y is specified, a confirmation panel is displayed before deleting any operations selected by the consistency checks. Y is the default.
- Use this option if you have a tool to edit JCL, and you want to
be able to call it from the AD panels.
When you select option 0.6 the following panel is displayed:
Figure 5. EQQXJCLP - Setting JCL edit tool information EQQXJCLP ------ SETTING JCL EDIT TOOL INFORMATION --------------------- Command ===> Enter/change data below: PANEL NAME ===> EQQAJCLE Specify the name of the panel to be displayed when editing JCL from AD data base. This panel name is used to provide a way to call a user tool to edit JCL. Default value is EQQAJCLE which is a dummy panel.
- A link between AD panels and a user tool for editing JCL is established by using a panel name.
When the JCL Edit option is selected from the AD panels, then the panel above is
The panel must exist, or you receive the ISPF error message:
Panel not found
.The default value for the panel name is EQQAJCLE, which is the name of a dummy panel. For a list of the ISPF variables that you can use in the EQQAJCLE panel, see HCL Workload Automation for Z ISPF variables allowed in the EQQAJCLE panel.
- When you select option 0.7 on the main menu, the SETTING CHECK
FOR AUTOMATIC CLEANUP TYPE panel is displayed. Specify Y to check
and possibly modify the Cleanup Data Set list, displayed on the MODIFYING
CLEANUP ACTIONS panels, even if the Automatic option is specified
at operation level.
Specify N to bypass the check. In this case, the CONFIRM RESTART panel is directly displayed when you request a RESTART function with the cleanup type automatic. The default is N.
- You can choose to use the advanced panels or the basic panels,
which are the default. By using the advanced panels you can:
- Simplify the way in which you modify operations in the current plan.
- Enhance the way you view the list of all operations in the current plan.
- Browse comprehensive information about an operation in a single panel.
Select option 0.8 in the main menu to display the SETTING PANEL STYLE panel (EQQXPSTL - Setting the panel style). Enter Y for the advanced panels or N for the basic panels (default). You can change the style of panels at any time by changing the value in the SETTING PANEL STYLE panel. Alternatively, you can enter 0.0 from the main menu to reset the profile values to the default settings.
Because the advanced panels offer different functions, there are often different ways to complete some tasks in these panels.
EQQXPSTL------------—–-–-–-– SETTING PANEL STYLE –-–-–-–-–-–----------–-–-–-– Command ===> Enter Y to use the advanced ISPF panels, or N to use the basic panels. Advanced ISPF panels ===> Y