The long-term plan and the current plan are created and extended using HCL Workload Automation for Z batch programs. Other programs and utilities provide update and report on data in HCL Workload Automation for Z databases. You can submit these programs using HCL Workload Automation for Z panels or using normal job submission. For several of the batch processes, particularly extending the plans, it is convenient to define the job in an application of HCL Workload Automation for Z and use the full facilities of HCL Workload Automation for Z to schedule, submit, and track the processing.
When you submit the jobs from HCL Workload Automation for Z panel, you see the panel in EQQXSUBP - Generating JCL for a batch job.
EQQXSUBP -------------- GENERATING JCL FOR A BATCH JOB ---------------- Command ===> Enter/change data below and press ENTER to submit/edit the JCL. JCL to be generated for: REPLAN CURRENT PLAN PERIOD SYSOUT CLASS ===> C (Used only if output to system printer) LOCAL PRINTER NAME ===> ________ (Used only if output on local printer) (Used only if CLASS is blank) DATASET NAME ===> ____________________________________________ (Used only if CLASS and LOCAL PRINTER are both blank). If blank default name used is XMAWS.EID4.DPREP.LIST SUBMIT/EDIT JOB ===> S S to submit JOB, E to edit Job statement : ===> //XMAWSM JOB (825401,NOBO),'OPC/ESA EID4',CLASS=B,MSGCLASS=Q,______ ===> // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),TIME=5,NOTIFY=XMAWS_______________________ ===> ___________________________________________________________________ ===> ___________________________________________________________________
- The job is submitted using TSO submit; as a result, the authority of the submitting user is assigned to the job.
- The JCL for the job is not saved in HCL Workload Automation for Z JCL repository. If the job needs to be rerun, you must re-create the JCL.
- If you select E for the SUBMIT/EDIT option in the GENERATING JCL FOR A BATCH JOB panel, an ISPF edit panel containing the JCL is displayed. Enter SUBMIT to run the job. When you enter END or use PF3 from the ISPF edit panel, the job is not submitted. From the edit panel, you can save the job using the CREATE command.