Specifying conditional dependencies
From the PREDECESSORS panel (EQQAMPDL - Predecessors ), enter the COND command to define a set of conditions. The CONDITIONS LIST panel (EQQAMCCL - Conditions list) is displayed:
EQQAMCCL ------------------ CONDITIONS LIST ------------------ Row 1 to 2 of 2 Enter/Change data in the rows, and/or enter any of the following row commands: I(nn) - Insert, R(nn),RR(nn) - Repeat, D(nn),DD - Delete S - Specify the condition details Application : PAYM2 Operation : CPU1 040 PAYTRANS Row Condition Text Cond Rule cmd no. Deps ''' 003 Check on RC range 1 all ''' 005 Alternative checks 3 specified number of
To define each list of condition dependencies, enter the S row command. The CONDITION DEPENDENCIES DEFINITIONS panel is displayed (EQQAMCCP - Condition dependencies definitions):
To define a condition dependency enter/change data in the rows, using any
of the following row commands:
I(nn) - Insert, R(nn),RR(nn) - Repeat, D(nn),DD - Delete, T - Dependency
resolution criteria
Application : PAYM2
Operation : CPU1 040 PAYTRANS
Specify the number of condition dependencies that need to be verified
to make the condition true 000 . Leave 0 for all of them.
Row Oper Application Id Jobname StepName ProcStep Co Co St Ret.Code
cmd ws. no. (ext Adid only) Ty OP Val Val1 Val2
''' CPU1 001 APPLX___________ JOBX____ ________ ________ RC RG 0000 0004
- All the condition dependencies in the list must be true. It corresponds to the AND operator in the Boolean logic.
- At least n out of all the condition dependencies must be true. In this case set the rule input field to n. It corresponds to the OR operator in the Boolean logic.
To specify a
step dependency, use:
- ProcStep field if the step is not in a procedure.
- Both StepName and ProcStep fields if the step is in a procedure.
statement.Depending on the type of check that you require on the predecessor,
enter one of the following values in the CoTy column:
- RC
- To check the predecessor return code.
- ST
- To check the predecessor status. It does not apply to step dependencies.
In the CoOP column, specify one of the following logical operators
for the required check:
- GE
- Greater than or equal to. Valid only for RC condition type.
- GT
- Greater than. Valid only for RC condition type.
- LE
- Less than or equal to. Valid only for RC condition type.
- LT
- Less than. Valid only for RC condition type.
- EQ
- Equal to.
- NE
- Not equal to. Use it to specify conditions on final statuses only.
- RG
- Range.
To set the value fields, specify:
- An error code, if you set CoTy to RC. You can specify a 4-digit number or one of the supported error codes, listed in Error codes.
- An operation status, if you set CoTy to ST. Allowed values are:
- C
- Complete.
- E
- Ended-in-error.
- S
- Started, according to the job-start event reported by the tracker component. If CONDSUB (YES) is specified in JTOPTS, the condition dependency is evaluated when the operation status becomes S (started) without waiting for the job-start event.
- X
- Suppressed by condition, meaning that the operation did not run because any condition is false.
For more information on how the scheduler evaluates condition dependencies at run time, see Evaluating conditions and conditional successor status.
- If you use the NE operator, specify a final status (C, E, or X).
- If you use the NOERROR or highest return code capabilities, the scheduler saves the original return code when setting an operation to complete, because of the NOERROR or highest return code processing. It then uses the original return code to evaluate a condition dependency.