Adding occurrences
When you select an individual application you want to add to the current plan, HCL Workload Automation for Z displays the following panel:
Command ===>
Enter the DEP command above to verify automatic dependency resolution, or
enter the OPER command to modify operations.
Application : PAYDAILY daily payroll jobs
Owner : SAMPLE payroll application
Operations : 3
External predecessors : 0
Dependency resolution options:
AUTOMATIC DEP ===> Y Automatic resolution of conditional
and external dependencies, Y P S or N
RESOLVE REQUIRED ===> N Auto Deps must be resolved: Y or N
Input arrival: Deadline:
DATE ===> 03/03/10 DATE ===> _________ (format YY/MM/DD)
TIME ===> 12.00 TIME ===> _______ (format HH.MM )
VARIABLE TABLE ===> PAY_____________ JCL variable table to be used
GROUP DEFINITION ===> ________________
PRIORITY ===> 6 1-9
ERROR CODE ===> ____ If this is a rerun
Any values specified on the ADDING APPLICATIONS TO THE CURRENT PLAN panel (see EQQMADDP - Adding Applications to the Current Plan panel) are carried forward to this panel. The priority is extracted from the application description. The panel indicates the number of operations in the occurrence and the number of external predecessors.
The scheduler does not accept any command, except CANCEL, until the input arrival and deadline dates and times are specified. If you want the input arrival time to be the current time, you can either specify the necessary time or press Enter. The scheduler uses the current time as default for the input arrival time. If you press Enter again, HCL Workload Automation for Z uses the current date as default for the deadline date.
You can use
the ISPF command delimiter to set up a chain command
to do this quickly. For example, if you type ;;;
press Enter, the panel is re-displayed with the cursor at the deadline
time field. All other date and time fields are set by HCL Workload Automation for Z.
You can use the DEP and OPER commands to alter dependencies and operation details for this occurrence. When you have specified all the occurrence information, add it to the current plan by issuing the END command.