How the shadow job status changes until a bind is established

As for any other job, the initial status of the shadow job is HOLD and it turns to READY when the job becomes free from dependencies and is ready to start.
The scheduler then sends an HTTP request to the remote engine containing both the information to identify the shadow job in the local production plan and the information to uniquely identify the remote job instance to bind in the remote engine plan, including the matching criteria. The scheduler must also be notified about the status of the remote job instance bound.
The scheduler tries to contact the remote engine, at regular intervals, until a specific timeout expires. If, by then, the remote engine could not be reached, the shadow job status is set to FAIL. To change the timeout and the interval, specify a value, in seconds, for both MaxWaitingTime and StatusCheckInterval in the file TDWB_HOME/config/ and then restart the broker.
If the preproduction plan does not exist on the remote engine when the bind request is received, the distributed shadow job status remains WAIT until the preproduction plan generation is completed and the bind request is processed. This might happen, for example, when the preproduction plan is created again from scratch on the remote engine.
For more information on the reason why the shadow job status is FAIL , see How to see why the shadow job status is FAIL.
When the remote engine receives the HTTP request, it tries to identify the job stream instance to use for the bind in its plan; the preproduction plan if the remote engine is distributed or the long term plan if the remote engine is z/OS. The definition of the job stream must contain the definition of the remote job to bind.
For more information about how the match is made in a distributed remote engine plan, see How a distributed shadow job is bound.
For more information about how the match is made in a z/OS remote engine plan, see How a z/OS shadow job is bound.