Welcome to the HCL Workload Automation documentation, where you can find information about how to install, maintain, and use HCL Workload Automation. The documentation has been updated for HCL Workload Automation Version 9.5 Fix Pack 7.
For the latest information about a Fix Pack, see the appropriate Readme File.
Workload service assurance is an optional feature that provides the means to flag jobs as mission critical for your business and to ensure that they are processed in a timely manner. Using this function benefits your scheduling operations personnel by enhancing their ability to meet defined service levels.
This chapter introduces the concept of variable tables to group global parameters, from now on called variables, to customize your workload.
Workload applications can be created and then exported so that they can be shared with other HCL Workload Automation environments. In the new environment, the workload application can be subsequently updated, replaced, or deleted.
Access metrics that provide insight into the state, health, and performance of your workload environment and infrastructure.
You can extend HCL Workload Automation capabilities by integrating with IBM and third-party products, such as IBM Sterling Connect:Direct or MS SQL. This integration allows you to easily start HCL Workload Automation jobs on external products, while using HCL Workload Automation scheduling capabilities. HCL Workload Automation also provides jobs that perform everyday operations, such as file transfer and web services, and utility jobs that automate and simplify operations such as the centralized agent update.
This section explains how you can manage dynamic scheduling capabilities in your environment to schedule both existing HCL Workload Automation jobs and job types with advanced options, both those supplied with the product and the additional types implemented through the custom plug-ins.
With HCL Workload Automation you can define jobs to run when and as often as necessary. Sometimes some jobs might have to wait for other jobs to finish successfully before they start. Add even more flexibility to your job flows by choosing which job to run depending on the result of the job status or output of a previous job. Whenever you have conditions that specify whether or not a segment of your job flow should run, then that is a conditional dependency.
This reference section specifies the semantics and structure of the Job Submission Description Language (JSDL) that apply specifically for use with dynamic workload broker. The JSDL schema is used to describe the job requirements for submission to resources. dynamic workload broker analyzes the IT environment and assigns the best available resource to run the job, based on the requirements you specify.
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