Reporting the changes in the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Baseconfiguration file
About this task
If the host name or IP address is changed for the following components, then you must report the
changed value in the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base
host_variables.xml configuration file:
- Master domain manager
- Backup master domain manager
- Dynamic domain manager
- Backup dynamic domain manager
- Dynamic Workload Console
- Stop the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base.
- Obtain the changed host name, IP address, or both.
- Verify that the value for the properties listed below were changed with the actual values:
- Old Hostname
- New Hostname
- The host names for the specific port properties
- Create a back up of and then modify the values in the
host_variables.xml file located in
On UNIX operating systems
On Windows operating systems
- Propagate the changes to the interfaces as follows:
- Address of the master domain manager changes
- On each fault-tolerant agent, dynamic agent, and standard agent you configured to connect to the conman command line, update the host parameter present in the "Attributes for CLI connections" section in the localopts file. Usually you have the host parameter defined in the localopts file of the workstations you use to submit predefined jobs and job streams (sbj and sbs commands).
- On every command-line client, update the host parameter present in the "Attributes for CLI connections" section in the localopts file.
- On the Dynamic Workload Console, update the engine connections.
- On all of the master components:
- Run JnextPlan.
- Update the value for the Master.Switch.HostName parameter in the file located in TWA_DATA_DIR/broker/config/
- From the broker command line, run exportserverdata to extract a list of URIs containing the old hostname to a text file, then run importserverdata providing the updated file in input to update the changed host name. For more information about the commands, see Using utility commands in the dynamic environment.
- Address of the Dynamic Workload Console changes
- Notify all the users of the new web address.