Command Reference
List of commands for managing certificates
This refernce section lists the commands necessary for managing certificates.
To manage certificates in JKS keystores, use the Java keytool command
To manage CMS (.kdb) keystore certificates, use the GSKIT command line:
gsk8capicmd. To run the GSKIT command line, first source the TWA environment from the
installation directory, as follows:
On Windows systems
- twa_env.cmd
On UNIX systems
- ./
To import a certificate, run the following command:
- keytool
<keytool> -importkeystore -srckeystore <source keystore> -destkeystore <destination keystore> -srcalias <certificate name in source keystore> -destalias <desired name of the certificate in destination keystore> -srcstorepass <password of source keystore> -deststorepass <password of destination keystore>
<gskit> -cert -import -db <source keystore> -pw <source keystore password> -target <destination keystore> -target_pw <destination keystore password> -label <certificate name>
To add a certificate, run the following command:
- keytool
<keytool> -importcert -file <certificate file> -keystore <keystore name> -alias <desired certificate name in keystore> -trustcacerts -storepass <keystore password>
<gskit> -cert -add -db <keystore name> -pw <keystore password> -file <certificate file> -label <desired certificate name into keystore> -trust enable
To extract a certificate, run the following command:
- keytool
<keytool> -exportcert -keystore <keystore name> -alias <name of the certificate> -file $<file to extract into> -storepass <keystore password>
<gskit> -cert -extract -db <keystore name> -pw <keystore password> -label <certificate name> -file <file to extract the certificate into>
To delete a certificate, run the following command:
- keytool
<keytool> -delete -alias <certificate name> -keystore <keystore name> -storepass <keystore password>
<gskit> -cert -delete -db <keystore name> -pw <keystore password> -label <certificate name>
To rename a certificate, run the following command:
- keytool
<keytool> -changealias -keystore <keystore name> -storepass <keystore password> -alias <old certificate name> -destalias <new certificate name>
<gskit> -cert -rename -db <keystore name> -pw <keystore password> -label <old certificate name> -new_label <new certificate name>
To list a certificate, run the following command:
- keytool
<keytool> -list -keystore <keystore name> -storepass <keystore password>
<gskit> -cert -list -db <keystore name> -pw <keystore password>