User registry

Use this section to configure some properties related to the User Registry in use.

The property groupIdMap is related to the groups of User Registry, and can be modified to map and display the specified value of each group. By default the common name of the group is displayed.
The property importSettingsMaxFileSize is related to the "Manage settings" > "Import Settings" functionality and defines the max file size of the uploaded TDWCSettings.xml. KB is the unit of measure, and by default, it is set to 102400 KB (100 MB). If you need to upload a property file bigger than 100MB, you can increase this value, but for security purposes, it is strongly suggested to revert the file size back to the default value once the import has been performed.
<?xml version"1.0"?>
<property name="groupIdMap" value="cn"></property>
<property name="importSettingsMaxFileSize" value="102400"></property>
Therefore, if you need to change the default value "cn" to "racfid", you can define this property as follows:
<property name="groupIdMap" value="racfid"></property>
See TdwcGlobalSettings.xml sample to view the complete syntax for the file.
or see User Settings to manage Dynamic Workload Console settings.

For more information about how to customize global settings, see Customizing your global settings.