Disable and customize NewsFeed function

This section contains the configuration details to be constantly up-to-date with product information.

Contains the URL from which you receive news and updates. Default value is:https://community.ibm.com/community/user/legacy
A string that identifies the format of update information. Default value is JSONP.
The interval in seconds between two checks for updates. Default value is 600.
An initial delay in seconds before the first attempt to read the news feeds. After the initial load, the poll interval is used. Default value is 120.
Property used to add further customized news feeds. Specify the format and address of the file that contains the customized communication. Supported formats are RSS 2.0 and ATOM 1.0. You must write the communication in ATOM 1.0 or RSS 2.0 format and store this file in the an HTTP server complying with the same origin policy. For browser security reasons, this policy permits to access information only on server using the same protocol, hostname and port number as the one to which you are connected. Optionally, if you want to store your customized feed on an external server, you must configure an HTTP reverse proxy server mapping the external server address.
<property name="NewsFeed" type="RSS" 
value="http://DWC_hostname:portnumber.com/news.rss" />
Note: To specify multiple feeds, you must specify multiple NewsFeed properties.
The name of the customized information. It can be used to identify informational, warning or alert messages, for example. The path to an image can also be added to better identify the information with an icon.
To add more category images, specify a list of properties named NewsFeedCategory, for example:
<property name="NewsFeedCategory" value="my company info" 
icon="http://www.my.company.com/info.png" />
<property name="NewsFeedCategory" value="my company alert" 
icon="http://www.my.company.com/alert.png" />
If no customized feed is specified, the default feed is used, which retrieves the latest product information from official support sites. To disable any notification, comment the entire section. To disable only external notifications about product information updates, assign an empty string as value to the FeedURL property of JSONP feed like:
  <property name="FeedURL" type="JSONP" value="" />
<?xml version"1.0"?>
<property name="NewsFeed" type="RSS" 
value="http://www.DWC_hostname:portnumber.com/my_rss.xml" />
<property name="NewsFeed" type="ATOM" 
value="http://www.DWC_hostname:portnumber.com/my_atom.xml" />

<property name="PollInterval" value="600" />
<property name="PollInitialDelay" value="1" />

<property name="FeedURL" type="JSONP" value="" />

<property name="NewsFeedCategory" 
value="my company info" icon="http://www.DWC_hostname:portnumber.com
/info.png" />
<property name="NewsFeedCategory" 
value="my company alert" icon="http://www.DWC_hostname:portnumber.com
/alert.png" />

See TdwcGlobalSettings.xml sample to view the complete syntax for the file.

For more information about how to customize global settings, see Customizing your global settings.