Standard format

The name of the workstation to which this information applies.
The run number of the Symphony file .
The node type and workstation type. Node types are as follows:
  • UNIX®
  • WNT
  • ZOS
  • IBM i
Workstation types are as follows:
  • FTA
  • POOL
  • D-POOL
The HCL Workload Automation job limit.
The HCL Workload Automation job fence.
The date and time HCL Workload Automation started running the current production plan (Symphony file).
Displays the following information:
  • The state of the workstation's links and processes. Up to five characters are displayed as follows. The explanation of the characters is divided based on the character scope:
    [L|F] [T|H|X|B] [I] [J] [W|H|X] [M] [E|e] [D] [A|R]
    The primary link is open (linked) to its domain or upper manager.

    If the workstation is of type agent or remote engine, this flag indicates that the workstation is connected to the workload broker server.

    If the workstation is of type pool or dynamic pool, this flag indicates that the workload broker workstation the pool or dynamic pool is registered to is linked to its domain or upper manager.

    The workstation is fully linked through primary and all secondary connections. This flag appears only if the enSwfaultTol global option is set to YES using the optman command line on the master domain manager and it indicates that the workstation is directly linked to its domain manager and to all its full backup domain managers. For information on how to use the optman command line, refer to Administration Guide.
    This flag is displayed if the fault-tolerant agent is directly linked to the domain manager from where you run the command.
    The workstation is linked through its host.
    The workstation is linked as an extended agent (x-agent).
    The workstation communicates through the workload broker server.
    If the workstation is of type agent, MASTER, MANAGER, FTA, S-AGENT, X-AGENT, this flag indicates that jobman program has completed startup initialization.

    If the workstation is of type agent, pool or dynamic pool, this flag indicates that the agent is correctly initialized.

    If the workstation is of type remote engine, this flag indicates that the communication between the remote engine workstation and the remote engine is correctly initialized.

    If the workstation is of type agent MASTER, MANAGER, FTA, S-AGENT, X-AGENT, this flag indicates that jobman program is running.

    If the workstation is of type agent, this flag indicates that JobManager is running. Because no monitoring is performed on dynamic pool workstations, for this workstation type the J character is always shown.

    If the workstation is of type pool, this flag indicates that the JobManager process is running on at least one agent registered to the pool.

    If the workstation is of type remote engine, this flag indicates that the ping command to the remote engine is successful.

    The workstation is linked via TCP/IP using the writer process.
    If the workstation running conman is directly linked to the remote workstation, you see the flag W because the local mailman is linked to the remote writer process.
    LTI JW
    If the workstation running conman is not directly linked to the remote workstation, you do not see the flag W because the local mailman is not directly linked to the remote writer process.
    L I J

    For more details about the writer process, see Network processes.

    Note: If the workstation running conman is the extended agent's host, the state of the extended agent is
    LXI JX
    If the workstation running conman is not the extended agent's host, the state of the extended agent is
    LHI JH
  • The state of the monitoring agent. Up to three characters are displayed as follows:
    [M] [E|e] [D]
    The monman process is running. This flag is displayed for all the workstations in the network when the event-driven workload automation feature is enabled (global option enEventDrivenWorkloadAutomation is set to yes), with the exception of those workstations where monman was manually stopped (using either conman or the Dynamic Workload Console).
    The event processing server is installed and running on the workstation.
    The event processing server is installed on the workstation but is not running.
    The workstation is using an up-to-date package monitoring configuration. This flag is displayed for the workstations on which the latest package of event rules was deployed (either manually with the planman deploy command or automatically with the frequency specified by the deploymentFrequency global option).
  • The state of the WebSphere Application Server Liberty. A one-character flag is displayed, if the application server is installed:
    WebSphere Application Server Liberty was started.
    WebSphere Application Server Liberty is restarting.

    The flag is blank if the application server is down or if it was not installed.

The name of the access method specified in the workstation definition. For extended agents only.
The name of the domain in which the workstation is a member.