
Switches domain management to and from the following workstation types:
  • from a master domain manager to a backup master domain manager.
  • from a domain manager to a backup domain manager.
  • from a dynamic domain manager to a backup dynamic domain manager.

You must have start and stop access to the backup workstation.

The switchmgr command must only be used as part of specific procedures for switching domain management capabilities from a domain manager to its backup domain manager either permanently or temporarily. For information about these procedures, see Switching a domain manager and Switching the master to a backup.


{switchmgr | switchm} domain;newmgr


Specifies the domain in which you want to switch managers.
Specifies the name of the new domain manager. This must be a workstation in the same domain, and should be defined beforehand as a fault-tolerant agent with Resolve Dependencies and Full Status enabled.


The command stops a specified workstation and restarts it as the domain manager. All domain member workstations are informed of the switch, and the old domain manager is converted to a fault-tolerant agent in the domain.

The next time JnextPlan is run on the old domain manager, the domain acts as though another switchmgr command had been run and the old domain manager automatically resumes domain management responsibilities.

Fault-tolerant agents defined with securitylevel = on might fail to use the SSL port to connect to the new master domain manager after the switchmgr command is run. In this case do either of the following to let the agent start correctly:
  • Unlink and then link the agent from the new master domain manager.
  • Use the securitylevel = force option on the agent.


To switch the domain manager to workstation orca in the masterdm domain, run the following command:
switchmgr masterdm;orca 
To switch the domain manager to workstation ruby in the bldg2 domain, run the following command:
switchmgr bldg2;ruby 

See also

  • To use the broker CLI after the switch, define the parameters of the CLIConfig.properties file. For further details, see Command-line configuration file.
  • From the Dynamic Workload Console you can perform the same task as follows:
    1. In the navigation bar at the top, click Monitoring and Reporting > Orchestration Monitor.
    2. Select an engine.
    3. From the drop-down menu, select Workstation.
    4. From the Query drop-down list, select a query to monitor workstations.
    5. Click Run to run the monitoring task.
    6. From the table containing the list of workstations, select a workstation and click More Actions > Become Master Domain Manager.