Installing the Dynamic Workload Console

Procedure for installing two Dynamic Workload Console servers on two separate nodes.

About this task

Figure 1. Install fresh Dynamic Workload Console
The procedure to perform a fresh installation is demonstrated through a typical scenario where two Dynamic Workload Console servers are installed on separate workstations, sharing the same remote database.

With Version 9.5, the Dynamic Workload Console is based on a new architectural foundation that does not include Jazz for Service Management nor Dashboard Application Services Hub, therefore, no direct upgrade procedure is supported, but you perform a fresh installation of the Dynamic Workload Console at version 9.5.0.x or 10.2.x.

In this scenario, the HCL Workload Automation administrator installs two Dynamic Workload Console instances on two separate workstations, sharing the same remote database. The HCL Workload Automation administrator performs the operations listed below on both workstations.

You can optionally configure your environment in SSL mode, by using the --sslkeysfolder and --sslpassword parameters and generating automatically the certificates for each workstation in your environment.

The HCL Workload Automation administrator installs the Dynamic Workload Console. The following information is required:
Table 1. Required information
Command parameter Required information Provided in..
Database information
--rdbmstype database type Creating and populating the database for the Dynamic Workload Console
--dbhostname database hostname
--dbport database port
--dbname database name
--dbuser database user name
--dbpassword database password
WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base information
--wlpdir WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base installation directory Installing WebSphere Application Server Liberty

You can run the dwcinst command specifying a typical set of parameters. In this case, default values are used for all remaining parameters.

Default values are stored in the file, located in the root directory of the installation image.

If you need to modify any of the default values, edit the file, but do not modify the dwcinst.template file located in the same path.

In a typical installation scenario, it is recommended you install the Dynamic Workload Console as a non-root user on UNIX systems and as a local administrator on Windows systems.

This user is automatically created by the installation process in the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base repository. Ensure that the user has full access to the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base installation directory.

To install the Dynamic Workload Console, perform the following steps:


Start the installation specifying a typical set of parameters:
On Windows operating systems
cscript dwcinst.vbs --acceptlicense yes --rdbmstype db_type
--user dwc_admin_user --password dwc_pwd --dbname db_name
--dbuser db_user --dbpassword db_pwd --dbhostname db_hostname
--dbport db_port --wlpdir Liberty_installation_dir\wlp
--sslkeysfolder certificate_files_path --sslpassword keystore_truststore_password
On UNIX operating systems
./ --acceptlicense yes --rdbmstype db_type
--user dwc_admin_user --password dwc_pwd --dbname db_name
--dbuser db_user --dbpassword db_pwd --dbhostname db_hostname
--dbport db_port --wlpdir Liberty_installation_dir/wlp
--sslkeysfolder certificate_files_path --sslpassword keystore_truststore_password
user dwc_admin_user
is the administrator of the Dynamic Workload Console. You can use this account to log in to the Dynamic Workload Console and manage your environment.
password dwc_pwd
is the password of the Dynamic Workload Console user.
On Windows operating systems
Supported characters for the password are alphanumeric, dash (-), underscore (_) characters, and ()|?*~+.
On UNIX operating systems
Supported characters for the password are alphanumeric, dash (-), underscore (_) characters, and ()|?=*~+.


You have now successfully installed the Dynamic Workload Console.

For more information about all dwcinst parameters and default values, see Dynamic Workload Console installation - dwcinst script.

What to do next

You can now proceed to Exporting and importing the Dynamic Workload Console settings or to Creating the HCL Workload Automation administrative user.