Continuing with the JCL example,
you accept the suggested best S3 and enter the GO command to confirm
the selection. At this point, having selected in panel EQQRCLSE the
option Edit JCL= YES, the edit JCL panel is shown. You fix the error
causing the abend (IEFBR15) and confirm the restart by entering first
GO, and then Y, in the final confirmation panel.
The job is run, adding another step named EQQCLEAN that will execute
the return code simulation for steps S1, S2, and S3. Then, EQQCLEAN
also causes the re-execution of step S4 and the execution of step
The following messages are logged to the JES message log:
You select the step restart again, and the following panel is displayed:
Figure 1. Example of the beginning of a step restart
EQQMERSL ----------------STEP RESTART SELECTION LIST --------Row 1 of 5
Primary commands: GO -to confirm the selection, END -to save it,
CANCEL - to exit without saving, STEP -to show Step Info
User Selection: .S -Start restart step E -Last restart step
.X -Step excluded (simulated flushed)
F -Step excluded (simulated with specified RC)
I -Step included if inside restart range,
otherwise simulated with specified RC.
Application: APLICSIMONA 01/02/05 19.19
Operation: CPU1 10
Jobname and jobid: JOBSAMP JOB00164
Best Restart Step: S1 0002
Current selected Step: S1 0002
Usr Act Rest Step StepName ProcStep PgmName Step Step Compl.
Sel Sel No Type Status Code
X X N 0001 EQQCLEAN EQQCLEAN EQQCLEAN cleanup Executed 0000
' I B 0002 S1 MYPROG Simulated Not Exec. 0004
' I Y 0003 S2 IEFBR14 Simulated Not Exec. 0000
' I Y 0004 S3 IEFBR14 Simulated Not Exec. 0000
' I Y 0005 S4 IEFBR14 Normal Executed 0000
' I Y 0006 S5 IEFBR14 Normal Executed 0000
******************************* Bottom of data ******************************
From the panel you can see that the EQQCLEAN step has been
added. Steps S1, S2, and S3 are shown as simulated and steps S4, and
S5 as successfully executed.