Multiple Dynamic Workload Console production plan reports

From the Dynamic Workload Console you can launch production plan reports. These are heavy users of CPU time, and if they are requested for the entire plan, they can also take some considerable time to produce. If several are running at once, they can have a noticeable impact on the performance of the master domain manager.

If you notice a degradation of performance, you can determine if there are any reports running by checking for the report work files, as follows;
  1. Navigate to the operating system's temporary directory
  2. Look for files that have the following file name template:
    Each report currently in progress has one of these work files open. The files are removed when the report is completed.
  3. Check the dates of these files, and consider only recent files (if a report fails during production at any time, its file remains in the temporary directory until the next reboot of the master domain manager or you run an operating system cleanup process that discards all files in the temporary directory).

There is no direct action to take, as you must wait until the report completes for the performance to recover.

However, if you note that large numbers of reports are being issued, it might indicate the following scenario:
  1. A user issues a report request, expecting it to be available immediately
  2. When the report does not appear immediately, the user things it has hung, closes and reopens the browser, and reissues the report. The closing of the browser does not stop the report production.
  3. The user might repeat this action several times.
In this case, you can take action to remind the user that the production of large reports can be time-consuming, and that it always better to wait.