HCL Workload Automation version 10.1.0 enhancements
Learn about the HCL Workload Automation version 10.1.0 enhancements.
HCL Workload Automation version 10.1.0 includes the following enhancements:
- Managed file transfer
- Workload Designer: a new concept to manage your workload
- Detecting anomalies in your workload with AI Data Advisor (AIDA)
- HCL Clara integrated with the Dynamic Workload Console
- Automatic encryption at rest for key product files
- Automatic SSL configuration for fault-tolerant agents
- Support for Google Cloud SQL for SQL server
- HCL Workload Automation events now logged for monitoring tools
- Connecting to the license server using a proxy
- Changed features and feature capabilities
- Satisfying Requests for Enhancements (RFEs) in version 10.2