About the menus (Windows)

The following menus are located in the menu bar of the History Browser main window:

File menu

The File menu contains the following commands:

Opens the "Select VersionVault objects to show history for" window to allow you to specify one of the following object types to display:
  • Elements
  • Hyperlinks
  • Types
  • Storage pools
  • VOB replicas
  • VOB
Next N events
Displays N more event records in the event log if N or more event records remain to be displayed or displays the remaining event records if less than N event records remain. Use View > Options > General to set a value for N.
Note: In View > Options > General, if you select Continue scanning events until the last event has been read, this menu item is Get More Events and resumes the scan from a pause.
Send To
If an event record in the event log is selected, you can use this command to direct the contents of the related item to a destination such as a printer, an application (for example, WordPad), or to a floppy disk. You must add a shortcut for the destination to the Send To folder on your computer.
Closes the History Browser windows and exits the application

Edit menu

The Edit menu contains the following commands:

Copies the text of selected event records to the clipboard
Select All
Selects all text in the event log. To select all text in an event record, click anywhere on the line that displays the event record
Opens the Find Event window, which you can use to specify the criteria for searching the event records in the event log
Opens the Sort window, which you can use to specify criteria for sorting the event records displayed

View menu

The View menu contains the following commands:

Standard Toolbar
Shows or hides the standard toolbar. Set the command (a check mark is displayed next to it) to show the standard toolbar. This toolbar contains icons that provide direct access to History Browser functions. For example, you can refresh the display, select objects for history display, stop or resume the scan for event records, copy text of selected event records to the clipboard, find event records that match certain criteria, sort event records, and access the Help system.
Status Bar
Shows or hides the status bar located at the bottom of the History Browser window. When you select the command (it has a check mark next to it), the status bar shows this information:
  • Current status of the browser or a brief description of certain GUI objects on which you place the cursor
  • A percentage that indicates the ratio of event records scanned to the total number of event records available according to the current criteria. If the percentage is less than 100, you can click Find > Next N events to display more of the available event records.
  • The total number of event records that meet the current criteria for selection and display
Filter toolbar
Shows or hides the filter toolbar that is displayed to the right of the standard toolbar. When you select the command (it has a check mark next to it), the toolbar is displayed and you can use it to filter events according to branch, user, whether they are checked out, and whether they are minor events.
Opens the Options window. You can use the General page to control the number of event records displayed in the event log at any one time and to control event filter persistence. Use the Display page to control the display of the event fields.
Updates the information in the event log. The History Browser scans the event records again according to the currently specified criteria.

Tools menu

You can use the Tools menu to compare selected versions and compare a selected version with its previous version. The menu contains the following commands:

Compare Selected Versions
Available when you select at least two event records for the versions of an element in the event log. Starts the Diff Merge Tool, which lists the versions for comparison. The maximum number of versions you can compare is 32.
Compare with Previous Version
Available when you select an event record for a version of an element in the event log. Starts the Diff Merge Tool, which lists the version of the event record that is selected and its previous version.
Version Tree
Starts the Version Tree Browser and displays the version tree for the element associated with the selected event record in the event log.

Click File > Exit in the Version Tree Browser to return to the History Browser.

Starts the Properties Browser and displays the properties for the object associated with the selected event record in the event log. Click OK in the Properties Browser to return to the History Browser.

Help menu

The Help menu provides access to the online documentation and contains the following commands:

Using History Browser
Displays the main Help window for the History Browser and provides access to the topic contents for the History Browser help
Help Topics
Starts the main contents window for the HCL VersionVault help and provides access to online documentation.
About History Browser
Displays version and copyright information for the History Browser.